Chapter 5

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The next morning:

I didn't wake up to Mikaela singing me awake or the rays of the sun. No I woke up to someone lying oftly close to me and they clearly weren't a girl. It took me a moment to realize who it was. Good morning you too. Put your hand under the blanket!! Do it now! Do it for the good of the people! Do it, don't be a little bitch and do it!! The voice in my head was very much getting out of control and honestly it was getting too hard to ignore it. The more I shuffled under the blankets the more he did. Finally he let out a moan/ growl and burrowed his face into the pillows as I often did. "Never mind!" An almost scared voice called from the other side of the door followed by the sound all but graceful foot falls. Oh god by me still being in bed and the sound Dean made Rachel must have thought we were DOING something. Which she could not be more than wrong about, don't get me wrong I wanted to. Probably a bit too much but I stopped myself from making that advance on him last night. In all honestly all we did was sleep and the most touching we did was from lying by one another. "Shit" I whispered very carefully trying to get out of bed to reassure Rachel that Dean and I did definitely not have sex. A muffled "Nope" was mumbled into the blankets as he pulled me back down into bed. Practically pulling my underneath him instead of just to the side of him. "Dean really I need to." He cut me off by gently placing his lips against mine. He's offering himself to you, take him!! You're already under him just do it! My body is ready!!!!! I pulled away, not wanting to but I did anyway. "I'm sorry Cande I just. I didn't mean to offend you if I did. It's just.." No you're fine I just need to go check on Rachel that's all." "Oh well then." He replied scooting off and burrowing his face back into the blankets. Dat ass! Quickly I shook my head and headed out of the room before my inner voice possessed my and I did something.

Rachel and Taylor sat at the table huddled together whispering and giggling about the guys still being here. "You know I can hear what you guys are saying. And yes Rachel it sounded that way but sadly no. That didn't happen, I wanted it to but it just didn't. You're just going to have to either wait for your sister to have another baby or give me time before you have another niece or nephew." Both Taylor and Rachel's cheeks glowed a rosy pink. "Well yesterday was pretty stressful and we kind of got hurt. So do we have to go to school today?" Taylor asked batting her eyes. I looked over at Mikaela, "It's up to you, they already asked me." "Do you guys promise to stop talking about what Dean and I and Mikaela and Aiden may have or may have not done last night?" They shook their heads eagerly yes at the same time all the while smiling. They were still thinking about it. "Then yes, you may stay home." I finally answered trying not to smile. Without warning the monitor powered up and there sat Chris. The last person I honestly wanted to see considering Dean and Aiden were here. "So Cande, MIkaela thank you so much for calling me last night so Janeal and I knew both of you were safely home. You know because when you go through security footage and I see someone's leg being snapped, skin peeled, and people flying into walls it kind of is unsettling. Now tell me why this morning when we cleaned up was Mark locked in the elevator looking exhausted? And why did he say something about someone trapping him in there before everything happened?" Chris sat back in his chair lacing his fingers and staring blankly at Mikaela and I. "Well uh you see everything happened so quickly that I didn't have time to help Mark out of the elevator. He was probably better off in there anyway. You know as well as I that Mark is clearly no fighter. As for Mikaela and I not calling you we had stuff to deal with here at the house and all. By the time we were done it was late and I thought about calling but I didn't want to disturb you. Other than that the night was uneventful. And really? Someone locked Mark in the elevator, that's horrible. Who would do something like that to him?" He smile playing at Chris' lips showed he knew exactly who lock Mark in there. 

"Oh my god what time is it? Do you guys have any coffee or anything? I slept great last night and didn't even want to get out of bed." Chris' eyes focused on who the voice was coming from. Of course of all times that Dean and Aiden could have come out this morning they chose to do it while being shirtless and when Chris is on the monitor. "Dean, Aiden what are you two doing at Cande's house? And shirtless might I add?" Chris looked at me in the same way Rachel and Taylor looked them morning when they had made assumptions of what went on last night. "Well you see sir with the happenings of last night and fighting alongside Cande and Mikaela we decided to go to their home and make sure everything was ok. They had pods at their house and their sisters were fighting with them so we decided to help them out. Then when everything was done and over we decided it would be best if we stayed. Even though Cande and Mikaela are very skilled in fighting the more the merrier." Dean flashed a heart breaking smile that not only worked on myself but it also worked on Chris. "I see, and nothing extra happened?" His eyes darted from Dean to myself then to Mikaela to Aiden. "No, nothing at all Aiden and I slept in the living room just in case something tried coming in we would hear it first." Dean was so convincing that if I hadn't been here with him last night I would have believed his story. "You know I believe you but both you and Cande are so good at keeping a straight face. It makes it hard to believe that nothing happened. Whatever it may be I need you, all of you to get decent and come down to my office. We need to go over the final details of what we discussed last night." And he was gone and fast as he came. "Well that was, lovely for the lack of a better word." Dean teased standing right by me and resting his elbow on my shoulder.  "What do we do with the girls? I mean it's not like we can leave them here at the house. I wouldn't feel safe and either would you Cande." "We'll take them to HQ with us, they can visit with the mermaids if they'd like. Last I heard there was a baby somewhere in that tank and I'm sure Layla would be more than happy to show it to the girls."

I got dressed in regular clothes simply for the fact that Chris didn't say any different. As I was finishing up getting ready I saw Dean leaning against the door of my room. "So do you think he really believes that nothing of that nature happened last night?" I didn't even have to look at him, the tone of his voice gave him a way that he was smiling. "No he doesn't believe us at all. I mean what would you think if you saw what he had? It would look pretty bad right? Don't worry though he won't do anything probably just give a slap on the wrist if he does." Dean nodded and sat at the foot of the bed so he was now looking at me and in touching distance. "I'm glad." He got cut off in whatever he was going to say by Mikaela honking outside. "We'll continue this conversation later." He finished reaching out a hand and pulling me off of my seat. 

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