Chapter 21

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Over head from the trees flew a blur of white followed by a blur of brown. Dean landed pinning the ugly grey one on it's back, he wasn't attacking just making eye contact with him. They must have been communicating with one another. "Are you guys okay?" Aidens very familiar voice asked, but werewolves can't talk. "Are you guys okay?" He asked again slightly cocking his head to the side and releasing a low whimper. "The thing Mark gave us, it they must have it too. But in somehow must read their vocal cords when they're wolves. So they can talk with us." Mikaela said looking at Aiden who was patiently waiting for Dean to finish with the grey wolf. I guess you could say they didn't come to an agreement because the grey one got out from under Dean and bit him in the shoulder. If he hadn't moved as fast as he did the wolf would have clamped on to his neck. "You guys go hide, we've got this!" Aiden ran to Deans side. It wasn't long at all before the pack of wolves lie scattered all over the snow staining it with red. They weren't dead just badly injured. 

Dean and Aiden approached, both their heads bowed. "What the hell Dean! You're co captain and you are supposed to stay on the ship no matter what! You neither of you had to come and help I had a plan.  What kind of co's are you if you don't even listen to me. Oh my god, I, Cannot even with you right now!" Without even thinking I reached out and slapped Dean in the muzzle. It was the only thing I could think of. How could he leave the crew on their own, in these conditions. He put them at risk without a captain on board. He shook his head and lied down in the snow putting his ears back. "I can't believe you just slapped me. I only did it, we only did it to save you guys. I'm sorry but where I'm from when someone you love is being followed by a very big un identified thing you go help them. You don't think you just act, and that is exactly what we did. I know what I did was stupid and I knew you were going to be beyond pissed at me but what else was I supposed to do? Wait until we heard some sort of response from you two? I couldn't do that, I needed to know what was wrong." It was hard to be mad at him; he had red spots on his fur. I couldn't tell if the blood he had was from him or from one of the other wolves he had fought against. "I don't need you to constantly be looking out for me Dean. I was able to take care of myself when this all happened before I knew you just fine. Do you know how you two showing up makes me look as a captain? If you don't listen to me then you're pretty much giving the rest of the crew the okay not to either. Now both of you head back." 

I stepped forward with Mikaela at my side. "Are you sure you want to do this. I mean look at them, they got hurt for us." I gave her one of my "death looks" without saying anything. "Yeah, you guys need to head back, if we need help we'll call for Matteo or someone. Listen to Cande, she's your captain." Mikaela spoke so fast her words were running together. "No you're going to be going on foot, in the cold with it being minutes to darkness. Who knows how many werewolves there are out here in the woods. You're already almost there so what's the point of us going back now? It's cold for you, I have an idea. Get on my back, I'll give you a ride. We'll get there even faster than by you walking." He wants you to ride him! Oh my that sounds mighty dirty, tell him this isn't the place or the time to be ridden. I know what he really means but think about it. Ride me! Oh he certainly knows how to make a girls nethers quiver. Don't be mad at him, make him make it up to you. I turned to look at him "are you going to slap me again?" He asked putting his ears against his head and taking a step back. As mad as I was at him, I couldn't find it to be a bitch to him. He just looked so pathetic like that. He was more than twice my size and here he was scared I was going to slap him. ""NO I'm not going to slap you. God Dean one time, One fucking time I hit you and you act like I beat you. If I let you go you need to start listening to me, okay?" The wolf nodded his head and something with his paws, it looked as if he were dancing. As I walked by him I got the urge to just touch him. Not in that way but just because his fur looked so soft despite the fact that he was dirty.

"That feels nice." He replied as I gently rubbed his shoulder. He leaned against me so his fur would be somewhat touching me and his heat would go to me. "We would get there a lot faster if you got on my back you know. Look at Mikaela she's on Aiden, just get on my back." He threw himself down in the snow waiting for me to mount him. "No" I replied smiling, it was too hard not to. I think he's turning it dirty. Think about it I know dirty things and honestly I think he's taking the whole ride me thing out of context. I told you tell him not now. I couldn't have even gotten that far ahead of him before I heard heavy foot falls and felt his head go between my legs. I slid over his head and on to his back. "Why do you have to be so difficult. I try to be a gentlemen and offer to carry you on my back so you don't get tired and you say no. I'm not only doing it because of that but also to keep you warm. Now just hold on." Without giving me a chance to protest Dean bolted off in the direction of the HQ with Aiden at his side. As much as I hate to admit I liked when Dean was a wolf, he was still the same Dean but different at the same time. He just gave off the feeling of security even more than what he did as his normal self. 

"So how exactly are you two geniuses going to shift back. Because if I recall the last time correct which I do Dean was wrapped in a pink sheet because he was naked. So unless you want everyone in the HQ to see your goods I recommend you stay out here." For the love of all that's holy make them stay in their wolf form. You know what happens to a guys body when they get cold or go swimming sometimes. Don't let that happen to them! That's disgusting and even more so because they're completely naked! You don't want to see that do you? You don't want to see their man part all shriveled and gross. Especially Dean, how would you eve do anything with him again seeing him like that? Think of our future with him! "Nice try Cande but we've already thought about that. You see before we went out after you two, we called in to the HQ. Explained to them that we were on our way and oh yeah that we were werewolves and were going to need clothes when we arrived." The expression on Dean's face even though he was a wolf appeared as if he were smiling. He knew there was no way of me thinking of an excuse to leave him and Aiden outside. "Don't look at me like that." "Like how like I love you? Like I'm right and you can't get rid of me that easily. Like I thought things out before I left? Like what Cande because I just gave you a list to choose from." Again the smile played at his lips. Even as a wolf he's adorable and he knows it. You know it, I for damn sure know it. Now go inside. He has scratches from the fight. You can pretend to be a doctor and make sure he's okay. Listen to me!! I didn't know what to say for once and I knocked on the door to the HQ.  Without any warning at all as the door opened and we walked inside. Dean put his head over my shoulder and licked my cheek. "Oh my god Dean!" I shrieked slapping him in the muzzle again. He just made some sort of huffing noise as in laughing and walked in the direction Aiden was heading to get changed. Before he got completely out of view he looked over his shoulder and winked. "That is so gross!!" I cried wiping the massive amount of drool from my cheek. 

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