Chapter 38

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As I suited up I could not even begin to think straight. All that ran through my head was the fact that Rachel and Taylor were here. As if I didn't have enough to worry about before without them. Moscow was by far the most infected city, no one that worked for the agency really came out here. The people that were stationed here had some sort of fort set up for their own protection. The city for some reason became over run with pods, there were no werewolves, witches, or leprechauns here. Just the blood thirsty pods that would not for a minute hesitate to rip the flesh from bones. Since there was nothing to eat they had resorted to cannibalism which infected them even more resulting into some sort of mutation. Even though we had arrived in the day light hours it may have well been night. Unlike the pods everywhere else these did not only dwell in the shadows but had gotten so desperate they roamed during the day. Yes their skin was baking from the sun's unforgiving rays but they did not care. Looking out of the window I saw what exactly I was going to be up against. The falcon hovered behind trees to avoid being seen by the pods. They were endless and all around the fort entrance of the HQ. The suit I had to wear to today's suicide mission was solid black and made with material that could hold up against the teeth of a pod. I'm not going to say that the fact Chris had demanded that I wear this for Moscow did not worry me. Because it did, a lot but I was not going to let anyone know how scared  I really was. That part was best to be left unknown.  "How are we going to get down there. I mean look, they're all over. Why are there even still people here?" Mikaela asked looking out of the window. I just shook my head not saying anything. "The Falcon is able to produce holograms of people correct. Well then we'll have it put a couple down on the ground among the pods. They'll think they're real and it will act as a distraction so I can get down there and into the HQ." "Cande, you can't go alone! It's far too dangerous, and don't you give me the you can't die speech. Because I know this but, you're acting as if you're not even the least bit afraid. You know what pods are capable of doing and yet ." She got cut off and looked out of the corner of her eye. 

There Rachel had stood along with Taylor. They had heard the plan of me going by myself and did not like it at all. As fast as they appeared they were gone and running down the hall of the airship. "Rach! Taylor!" I called after them following their path. At the last second they split up and run into different cabins knowing that I couldn't go in both at the same time. "I'll deal with Taylor, you deal with Rach." Mikaela walked slowly into the cabin Taylor had run into. Taking a deep breath I walked into the one Rachel was in. She laid on the bed, face burrowed under the pillows. I knew she was crying because of the way her back was moving. Every now and again there would be something that looked like a hiccup in her breathing. "Rach don't cry you know i'm going to be just fine. I'll be in and out before you know it. You will stay here safe on the falcon with Taylor and the rest of the crew." I coaxed gently rubbing her back. She emerged from under the pillows, tears streaming down her face and tomato red. "What if you're not okay? What if something happens and we have to leave you like what happened in Tokyo! How can you not even care that you can possibly die down there Cande? You don't, look at you you're perfectly calm. You don't care if you die do you? If you did you wouldn't be doing this! Who cares if it's to find a cure?! It means putting my sister at risk and if I had to choose between there being a cure and having you, every time I would choose you." She broke out in tears burrowing back underneath the pillow fort. " Where is the faith in your sister, I'm captain Cande Luna! Rach, I'm immortal I can't die. I'm too awesome for dying that's why I am the way I am. I mean really think about how incredibly boring your life would be if I wasn't. I can't die, but I can become in a comatose state. I'm not going to lie to you and tell you i'm invincible because I'm not. But I will tell you that I will never, ever leave you forever. It's not that I'm not scared or don't care about going down there, but I really can't let my emotions get in the way. Other wise I will get hurt if I think about how much pods frighten me. I will be just fine and when this is over, by tomorrow we'll be home and on our way to see Lilly again. Now you're going to stay put here on the falcon and not move until I return okay?" I asked moving the pillows from on top of her. "Rach you're not immortal like me, you need air to breathe." She giggled as she came out. "Okay, I love you." "I love you too rach." 

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