Chapter 14

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"Are you sure you're okay? I mean you say that you are, but yet you refuse to talk about what happened between yourself and your family. You, you seem I don't know. You swear you're okay but you seem I don't know different." Dean said watching me mindlessly throwing anything that either had alcohol in it or looked like it would. "I'm fine Dean, and nothing happened earlier that would upset me, i'm just tired that's all. And I have a killer headache so i'm going to drink the pain away. The pain from my headache, nothing else." He nodded and stared off. He didn't even believe me for a second that, that was why I was acting the way I was. "Cande you know you can talk to me, we're mates remember. Well you're my mate since I'm a werewolf and all, I don't know what immortals call each other or if they even have a word for it. If not you can just call me your sexier half." He smiled one of his famous heart breaking smiles exposing his perfect white teeth. Oh you're right, you are insanely sexy. Unf just look at you, you're perfect. Touch him! Touch him you fool. Yeah you're in a public place but he has glasses on. Good god those glasses, my ovaries can't take it!  My inner voice was right, he did look Uh-mazing in his glasses and it was well aware of what my insides were doing by just looking at him. "If you really want me to refer you to people as being my sexy half than I guess I will." He smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me close to him. I could never get over how much heat he gave off. Just walking with him was like constantly being in a heated room. For as hot as he was though he never showed any sign of perspiration, which was a good thing. He's making the first move, now take him back to the car and finish it. Osiris can do the driving while you guys do something else. Just make sure you put the shields up so no random people get a free show! 

"Cande how funny to run into you like this. I haven't seen you since you asserted yourself in Chris' office. Oh good god that was hot." Oh no not him, anyone but him, he was the last person I honestly wanted to see not only now but ever. Dean tensed up as Mark got closer and closer. Usually I didn't care at all for the insanely over protective guys but it was Dean's nature. He was a werewolf and I was his mate, so there was really nothing I could do about it. I could tell him to behave and stop but he wouldn't listen. It would be like talking to a wall. I could tell him that Mark was no threat and I had no interested in him whatsoever but he wouldn't care. To Dean every guy that showed any interest was a threat even though he, himself was beyond gorgeous. There's not an elevator around here but i'm sure there's something you can trap that crazy warlock in. Over there, knock that tower of boxes down on him. Make it look like an accident, it'll be hilarious  Or over there, trap him in the bathroom that'll be even more hilarious  Especially if someone is taking a shit! It's just Mark, we'll let him out later or in a couple of days. I'm sure no one would miss him remember he has his hand. His hand. HIS HAND!  As Mark got closer he inspected Dean, how he was holding me and how it was clear I wasn't trying to get away. Usually if Mark ever touched me I would slap him away or totally ignore him. As handsome as he was I honestly wanted nothing to do with him. Especially now that I knew his hand probably got more action than any normal person. Which was one of the most disgusting things, especially because I knew I was the reason for his very busy hand. I wish he hadn't drugged himself because if he hadn't we would probably be really good friends obviously though things didn't turn out that way.

He's a pecker checker! He totally just looked at Dean's stuff! That's not for his eyes, it's only for you! Maybe he's secretly gay. There's nothing wrong if he is, I mean hey you have a very good gay ghost friend. Maybe you can introduce him to Mark. It doesn't matter he sneaks in to the gym and watches the guys shower. I'm sure Mark wouldn't mind and he wouldn't be single. Think about it Mark would finally leave you alone! I personally didn't see Mark look at Dean there but apparently my inner voice didn't approve at all. "Oh hello Mark, yeah I haven't seen you in a couple of days. How have you been?" He never took his eyes off of Dean. He wants Dean! He's your man! "Oh Mark Dean,Dean, Mark. Dean is my." "Mate." Dean cut me off before I could call him anything but what he really was to me. "Oh really. Here Dean why don't you try this seeing that you guys are being alcohol and all. I think you may like this." Mark stretched out his hand holding out an unlabeled bottle. No Don't let Dean get that. It's probably drugged, Mark may want to drug him so he wants him and not you! I knew that's not what it was though, I knew for sure that Mark didn't enjoy the company of other guys in that way. It didn't look like a normal drink, it was probably one of his concoctions to get Dean out of the picture. "Don't drink that!" I exclaimed pushing the bottle back to Mark. "So Cande, what are your plans for tonight?" His eyes fell on to all of the alcohol we had totally ignoring Dean. "We're going to get super drunk then have lots and lots of sex." Dean replied in a voice that he had never spoken to me in. It was deeper and more assertive than his usual voice. It was clear he had had enough of Mark and just wanted him gone already. Ooh see Dean knows what's up. I like the way the man thinks, you should think more like him. Mark didn't agree with Dean's response at all twisting his face in a hideous manner. "Oh well then Cande it was nice seeing you again, I hope to see you real soon. I'll guess I'll see you some other time Dan." Mark called not even looking over his shoulder. He was walking much faster trying to get away as fast as he could but trying not to make it obvious to Dean that was running away from him. Dean lunged forward after Mark, If my hand wasn't against his chest to stop him he probably would have gotten a hold of Mark and beaten him to a bloody pulp. Yeah I didn't really care for Mark but he was harmless and I didn't want Dean to hurt him. "He's not worth it love." I said smiling at him and patted his muscular chest. He nodded and returned the smile. Oh yes, that chest. Do you feel the muscles? Good god woman take his shirt off! No one would complain here, if anything you would be doing the people a favor. Rip his shirt off!

The night started off with us just doing shots with Taylor and Rachel watching. They didn't really care for the straight alcohol at all. They were more interested in the fruity tasting stuff. The type of stuff that you drink a lot of because you can't taste the liquor. You  don't even know you're drunk until you end up waking up on the front yard with no pants on and a penis drawn on your face. Thankfully I would not ever let them get that drunk knowing what it could lead to. Once Mikaela the "Worlds best bartender" started mixing her drinks is when the girls started drinking. They started out just fine swearing they were totally sober. Falling over nothing didn't really signify that they were drunk because they were both not very graceful at all. It was when they started dancing that could be considered early signs of a seizure that they were clearly gone for the rest of the night and not coming back. They couldn't say no to a drink that Mika poured. Well they could but they wanted to look like they could keep up with how much we could drink. "They're totally the drunk high schoolers at the party." Dean laughed watching Taylor trying to pick something off of the ground that wasn't there. "Yeah they are, it's okay though, they're with us. It's not like they're out drinking with some of their friends where there are disgusting guys that could try to do something with them." I finished my full glass at thought of that. If a guy even tried doing something like that to Rach I would rip his head from his shoulders. Or possibly rip his balls off which to a hormone crazed guy is much worse. "Easy killer." Aiden teased from across the room. I had thought he had been asleep since he hadn't moved since Mikaela started pouring shot after shot. "Dance, Dance, Dance for your alcohol my minions!" Mikaela called as Rachel and Taylor seemed to be some sort of Russian style dance. Their arms were crossed across their chest and they were kicking their legs. Every once in a while you would here one of them yell out a "hey"

"Alright party is over guys. You guys are clearly disgustingly drunk and I think Aiden is dead on the floor." He held up a thumbs up, mumbled something unintelligible and flipped onto his side. Since the girls were not able to climb up the stairs to their rooms they decided to sleep on the floor of the living room with Mikaela and Aiden. "We're not sleeping out here with them are we? We're going to your room aren't we?" Dean asked with the most adorable crooked smile. Look at him, he's looking at you like a pervert, he wants you. Now go and do what you both want. You're not the only one that has needs, I do too you know. "No I was thinking it would be fun to camp out here with everyone." The smile he once had fell and he raised an eyebrow. "Really?" "No" I replied gently bumping into him as I passed by grabbing his hand and leading him to the room. "Good night." I called from the bed lying down and acting as if I had no interest in doing what the point of sleeping was. "Good night? Good night? GOOD NIGHT?!! Don't you remember what I said our plans were to your perverted little stalker. What we were going to do all night?" He asked crawling on me and hovering above. He looked so gorgeous, his eyes were glowing an intense blue that made it hard to look away. "Those were your plans, not mine." I tried replying without smiling. Needless to say he made a it very hard to resist him.

Oh yes. You have made me very happy. VERY HAPPY. See how easy it is when you listen to me. You should do it more often. ;)

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