Chapter 7

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"Dad please" I began hoping that would be enough to soften him up just a little, it didn't though. "Cande no! Absolutely not, what am I supposed to do if you or anyone on your crew gets hurt. You may be Immortal Cande but you can still get hurt. What am I supposed to do if something happens to you? What am I supposed to tell your mother, sister or Lilly, huh? Cande did something she wasn't ready for and now she's not around?! I, I wouldn't be able to handle that, i'm doing this to protect you, because I love you." His voice cracked as he did a hard blink. "So that's it right? You don't think I'm good enough? You don't think i'm able to handle this type of task. Being declared a captain and Mikaela a commander just after one year means nothing. Why because I'm not Sarah? Everyone knows mother worships her, everything she does is so wonderful, she can do no wrong what so ever. I bet if it were Sarah offered this instead of me you would let her wouldn't you? Just because mother would make you. Well I'm not Sarah! I'm not and i'm one of the best here and you know it! And you have no Idea how bad it hurts how much you doubt me. But you know what I'm doing this anyway no matter what you say. I'm not some push over and just not do something because you say not to. And you can stop making up the excuse of you being scared of anything happening to me because we both know it's not true. You know as sad as it is, I almost believed you about that. The only thing true though is all the doubt you have in me." 

I stormed out of the room with tears streaming down my face. "Cande" he called out as I slammed the door. It felt like if someone had just stabbed me in the chest. Knowing that he honestly had no faith in me. I knew what I was doing and I just wanted someone else to as well. "Kitten." Mikaela ran at me, arms outstretched and hugged me as tight as she would allow herself. I lost it. I broke down completely burrowing my face into her shoulder and hiding in her hair. "For what it's worth I believe in you and obviously Chris does as well. I mean he could have called anyone back but he called you. He could have also assigned you as co captain but he didn't , it's Dean. Do you want to go drinking tonight? We can leave the girls with Janeal and you can use your captain line to pick up on guys. It'll be a lot of fun." Mikaela leaned back and gently wiped a tear off of my cheek. "Yeah you're definitely going to go out drinking, we both need it. Now go in there and assert your self, because Chris is going to do whatever your dad says. You just have to let him know he's not taking orders from him, he's taking them from you. And you're going to do the best damn job on this mission they're not even going to know what to think by the time we get back." Mikaela gave me one last squeeze before leading me back to the room.  

The inside of the room was silent when we entered. It was so painfully obvious though that they had been discussing something before we had come back. "Now lets go take a look at my ship, we have to make sure she's in top condition for when we leave." I said not sitting down but leaning over the table. "Cande it's a no go, you're dad denied the mission. Without him we're grounded, the falcon can't leave the hanger." Chris looked down in defeat at his hands. "Well then I'll just have to hack into the files and delete that message before anyone else can see it. I'll also block his signal so he won't be able to have any contact with the agency regarding this mission. We'll just delay the departure by a week since he's expecting it to happen next week. Now are you going to show me my ship or not Chris?" He nodded "Lets say that I allow you to pull off this crazy stunt Cande. How are you so sure that your dad won't make an emergency trip over here to make sure you're not out with your crew being a hero? He has just as easy access to airships as I do. Do you have any Idea what he would do if he were to find out? I would be out of a job as would everyone else on your crew. Are you really willing to risk that?"  "Chris that is a very good argument but you see. I may have  just disabled  all of the agency's airships on Nererlus from coming here. Their gravitational pull is much different and being disabled and all they just simply won't even be able to get lift off. The only way he could possibly get here is by going through the military and you know how picky they are about who touches their ships. They aren't exactly very fond of the agency so the odds of him coming here are one to one hundred and fifty thousand. Trust me I did the math." I smiled and winked knowing that any argument Chris could think of would be invalid. "You know you're so smart it's scary. How did you even manage to disable the ships? You know what don't tell me the less I know the better. Now let's go take a look at your ship."

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