chapter 31

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This was our second to last stop and I could not be more relieved for this. I tried to not think about what had  happened with the potion Mark had given be because honestly it just pissed me off. Thinking about it being spilled all over and all. We arrived at Tokyo at night which was the worst thing possible considering how dangerous the darkness was. There were no traces of any life nor pods in the city, or at least from the falcon. "Captain we are being pursued by something, it looks as if they are equally as big as the falcon." Talya called looking at the map. I walked over as did Dean. She said captain you idiot not co captain. Now get back over there. "Can you tell what ship it is?" I asked beating Dean to the very same question. "It's one of the agencies but this one, this is the one that went missing a couple of months ago. They thought it went down in a battle. But as it appears here, it's very much okay." The ship that was following us over Tokyo was the bulls eye, it matched the falcon in size but was not built the same way. The falcon was superior in comparison to the bulls eye. "Alright just to be safe Helena I need you to shield the falcon. It's just for a safety reason, i don' t think they're going to be needed but I don't want to risk it. Also ready the weapons, also as a cautionary measure. Falcon can you scan the other ship to see exactly who we are dealing with?" There was a silence until the falcon came back on. "Captain Luna on the opposing ship are five ex members of the agency. They were assumed to be dead but by the appearance of their ship it seems they have gone rogue. How would you like to deal with them?" "Try to lose them Falcon, avoid using any of the weapons but if it comes to it don't hold back."

The Falcon gracefully swerved and made sharp turns above Tokyo trying to lose the other one. But it simply couldn't, there was no losing them. Every where we went they went and every time we squeezed somewhere tight they did as well. "Land and we'll talk with your captain. We don't want to hurt you guys just land your airship, lower your shield and disarm your weapons. We really don't want to hurt you we work for the same agency." A voice boomed from the bulls eye that was now in front of us. Without saying anything I got up from my seat and began to get suited up, just in case things didn't go as planned. "Alright I'll be back in a few minutes, Dean you're in charge." "Cande what are you doing? You're not really going out there are you? We have no idea who they are and what their intentions are. You can't go by yourself."  Mikaela said but it came out as sounding more like a plea for me to stay. "Mika I'll be fine. Do I trust them? No, but if I don't get out they're just going to get pissed. Just let me handle it or at least try." She pulled me into a hug not saying anything and went back to sitting by Aiden. By his expression it was clear that he didn't approve either. "Cande let me come with you. Please don't go by yourself, they want to talk to the captain. I happen to be your co captain so they must want me as well. You're not thinking just like how you didn't think with Dax. I am begging you not to go, just don't. We'll take them down then flee like hell, you know the falcon is fully capable of doing it. Please just stay, with me." Dean reached down and grabbed both of my hands and held them in his. Oh sweet babies look at his eyes. I'm sorry but you know he'll always be our main weakness  Do what he said and flee then flee with Dean somewhere private. Don't be a hero and leave him like this. Just look at his gorgeous face, he's touching us again. Don't be an idiot and pass this up. He's offering himself to you. Take advantage!   "I need to to this Dean. If I don't who knows what they'll do and by the looks of the bulls eye they've made major modifications to it. It could very easily take down the Falcon. I'll be quick but until I return you're in charge captain. What ever you do though don't you for one second lower the shields or land. Just make the Falcon hover enough so if you need to make a quick escape it's possible." I gave his hands a gentle squeeze before I let go. NO I don't want to go! What are you doing? He was right there! And what did you do? You left him! I am very disappointed in you Cande Luna, you have brought shame to the Luna name.

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