Chapter 32

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Are we dead? I think, no I'm pretty sure we are. Quick what's the last thing you remember? Because all I remember is getting beaten like a piece of meat. And all the blood, oh the blood. I know we can't technically be dead but it sure feels like it. What if we are? There's so many things and people we haven't done. What a way to go. 

The voice was right, I knew I couldn't really die but I must be close to it. Like as close as I had been with the mermaid bite. It was hard to open my eyes all the way. The lights in the room were blindingly white; not to mention how every piece of furniture was just as white. I laid there squinting my eyes trying to focus on something, anything to see if I could recognize it. "Welcome back to the land of the living." A males voice called walking towards me. I couldn't make out who it was, he was just a black figure with light around him. "Oh come on Cande it hasn't been that long. Okay it's been what a year or year and a half. You know who I am." What the hell. He must be god or something. Look at the way the light is illuminating behind him, he has a halo. Wait, wait I know who he is. Oh my god! Oh my sweet fucking baby Jesus' mother. It's Adrian, only the most gorgeous doctor the agency has. You guys were something a while, a very long while ago weren't you? Oh yes I remember very clearly. You aren't technically with Dean so if you get bored here in Tokyo I suppose he could be your pass time. Yup sounds pretty good to me. You let Dr. Sexy be your doctor and do whatever he says. It's not cheating if you're not in a relationship, and we're not. So my body is ready!

"Adrian?" It had come out as more of a question than a statement. The figure smiled and sat on my bed gently pressing two fingers against my neck. No! NO! He's checking our pulse. It's beating like mad since he's touching us. He's going to think we're on the verge of a heart attack or having an attack. Don't let him touch us, yes I like it but not this. Quick push him off of the bed! "Where am I?" I was able to choke out in a scratchy voice. The smile never left his face as he reached for the glass of water on the night stand and handed it to me. "You're at the HQ, you're safe. You have been here for a week now. Honestly I didn't think you were going to wake; I'm glad you did though." He smiled and pushed the hair that covered one of my eyes to the side. "How did you find me?" "Well you know it's not safe for anyone to be out at night which is why I was out. We have I guess you can call it a tank here, it's indestructible against anything. I was out looking for a new test subject for the antidote I have completed. That's when I saw Koda and his clan of idiots surrounding something that was lying on the floor. At first I thought they had gotten a hold of a pod so I was going to just keep driving. But something I don't know what it was told me to go over. When I got close enough I was able to see that what they had been beating was not a pod at all but it was someone. I got them out of the way and by that I mean I more like ran them over. They didn't exactly appreciate that, especially Koda. It's not like I killed them though. They just got badly injured, enough so I could get out and get you. If you weren't an Immortal I would have put good money on you being dead. You were just lying there covered in black, not moving and lying in a pool of blood. I took my chance and grabbed you, I didn't even know it was you. Until one of my nurses washed you off, then I realized. That it was you Cande Luna. Last I had heard you were back in the agency and a captain. So that leaves me with the question as to where your crew is?"

I could feel my heart drop as it did the night I over rode the Falcons commands and sent them to safety. How Dean didn't want to leave me, how they wanted to stay and risk being killed if it meant not leaving me behind. How before the Falcon flew away the figure in the back window pounded on it to try and break it open. "You don't have to say anything." He replied grasping my shoulder. By my silence he must have assumed the worst had happened to them. "I over rode the Falcon's command. They didn't want to leave me Adrian. They wanted to stay and fight but I couldn't allow it. Koda wanted them all dead, all of them. What else was I supposed to do? It seemed as a better choice for me to stay. Better to lose just one than all of them. And that's what happened, you haven't heard from anyone at the HQ in California have you?" The smile faded as he nodded his head no. "They never even thought to look for me. Even though I was Immortal I was still expendable"  Koda's words ran through my mind. "But it's not because they don't care, we don't have much of any contact over here. The signal is very, very weak and we're lucky if we can even get a transmission in or out. Now that you're awake and doing well even your arm I want to show you something." My arm? I knew it had felt funny since I awoke but I didn't think anything of it until now that Adrian mentioned it. Looking down I knew exactly what he was talking about. It wasn't there anymore, well it was but not all the way. I had arm until just below my elbow. "Whoa, whoa stay with me." Adrian got in my face trying to get me to focus on him instead of my arm. "You were a lot worse when you got here. You had nothing at all, even you shoulder had been ripped out. Your legs were broken, you had chunks of muscle ripped out of your stomach, you're right arm was twisted so badly it too was well on it's way of being ripped off. Your arm is growing back very nicely, I'm guessing it'll be all the way back in a couple of days or so.  You've healed at a remarkable pace considering the circumstances. Demons are horrible, all but this one" He held up both of his thumbs and smiled as he stroked my cheek. 

"Don't worry as much as I love your company I'll have you back in California and with your crew that you saved again. Come with em." He held out his hand and pulled me up off of the bed. I wobbled as I tried to balance, it was hard since I had been out of it for a week. "I got you." He said as he put his arm around my waist. Ew that's disgusting he's right by your nub of an arm. Switch sides so he's by your full arm. Or you can use your pathetic nature to get something out of him Remember you're not with Dean anymore so it's not cheating on him. "Is that a?" "Yes it is if I can get it up and running again that is going to be your way home. It got damaged a while ago and hasn't been able to turn on, it does but it quickly dies. Now that you're here is a reason for my engineers to work on it." The transporter was in very bad shape and it was apparent that it needed all the work Adrian had said it did. He seemed confident that it was going to be able to be repaired. He had given me no reason to doubt him, so all I could do was hope that I would be home soon.

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