chapter 19

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I woke up to a blur of Dean's blondish, brownish hair in my face. You see his hair, that's a sign of something you did right last night. Also look at him, he's shirtless! Think of last night. Oh my. I had woken way before my alarm was set to go off. I simply, couldn't sleep how could I? Last night was supposed to be a good thing, spending time with the ones I love most before heading off. Honestly it just made me feel worse about the whole thing. I felt bad about leaving but it was for the best. I knew even though she didn't say it Rachel missed our parents, sister even though she can be horrible at times. But of all I knew she missed Lilly more than anything, because so did I. I very quietly opened to door to get out of the room. "Hey where are you going?" Dean asked sitting up from the bed. His hair a total mess and glowing blue eyes not being anymore open than a slit.  Good god he's even beyond attractive when he wakes up. Sure he kind of looks like he's on drugs because of his eyes but it's okay. He can get away with anything and you would find it adorable. I would tell you to have your way with him but we don't have time for that. So let's just take a minute to stare at his beauty. It was always odd when that little voice was making sense. "I'm just going to go check on the girls that's all." He nodded his sleepy head, "You mean watch them sleep for a bit." "Yeah, yeah I do. Now go back to bed Dean, i'll be back in a bit." He didn't need anymore of an invitation, he slumped down burrowing down beneath the blankets to where he couldn't be seen anymore.

 I was worried that Rachel would wake up and get scared to see a figure standing in the corner of her room as she slept. I mean when you think about it, it's really fucking creepy. Luckily for me though she was a heavy sleeper and by the not so tiny snores I knew she wouldn't be waking up. I watched her chest as it rose and fell with every breath she took. Every time she in haled for too long it worried me until it rose once again.   "I see you couldn't sleep either." A voice called from the other side of the room followed by a hand cupping my mouth. "Relax it's just me. I didn't mean to scare you, hell Cande, you scared me too! I didn't know you also enjoy lurking in the shadows to watch them sleep as well." I burrowed my face in Mikaela's hand to muffle the laughter. The way she worded what we were doing sounded so wrong and made me well us like some sort of perverts. You are a pervert though, I'm you and you am I. Mikaela grabbed hold of my hand and lead me into the kitchen where Aiden was cooking breakfast. Oh sweet baby Jesus  Look at that build on Aiden. He is like some sort of Greek god. A shirtless Greek god cooking in your kitchen. He puts Dean to shame, just look at him. We must touch him Cande. Accidentally bump into him, or hug him. He is practically your brother, there's nothing wrong with a hug. TOUCH HIM!! The little voice breathed heavily into a paper bag, eyes wide and glistening. She clearly didn't see how wrong it would very much be if I did touch him. "How did you sleep?" "What are you talking about Mika, look at her she didn't sleep. Not because of the mission but because of another reason that has to do with oh I don't know Dean?" Aiden wiggled his eyebrow furiously and smiled exposing his dimples. "Oh shut up you, i'm having a conversation with my sister. Honestly though are you okay?" "Yeah." I replied taking a sip out of the glass of juice Aiden pushed towards me. 3:30 a.m the clock read.  Good god was it early, we weren't scheduled to leave until seven. "Do you know who is going to be on our crew besides us? You know the medical, engineering, Navigation, Weapons?" I nodded my head no even though I knew very well who was going to be on the medical team. Tell her, tell her it's the pervert in the elevator!  "I'm going to go lie down before we leave." I said heading back into my room.

 "You behave for Chris and Janeal both of you girls okay? No back talking or doing anything you know you're not supposed to do. We'll be home in about two months okay? If I get a chance and a good signal wherever we are I'll send a transmission." I hugged Rachel and Taylor into the tightest hug I could manage with out hurting their little bodies. "Cande! Cande I can't breathe! Your boobs are in my face! Cande I need air to live I'm not immortal like you! I need air!" Taylor cried out squirming out of my arms and dramatically grasping her throat. Everyone laughed in the room at her and I thought that's why she had done it, to lighten the mood. "Don't worry Cande, they're good girls i'm sure they won't give us any trouble." Janeal assured putting her arms on the shoulders of the girls. I grabbed Rachel into one last hug before leaving. "You're okay right?" I asked looking into her eyes making sure she didn't show any signs of being sad. "I'm fine." She replied sounding as normal as she could. Mark's potion had worked, the girls were fine. They didn't seem sad at all, just like it was any given day. The only difference was the fact that we were leaving to do a mission. "You know I love you right you little shit." "Yes and I love you too." She replied smiling. "Here i'm leaving you my car until we get back, take good care of her and if anything happens. Well lets just say I know how to kill you.  I'll see you soon." Both the eyes of Taylor and Rach widened not with fear, but with the idea of having the car to use for what ever they wanted to. That was if Janeal and Chris allowed it.  Once everyone said their good byes Dean wrapped his arm around my waist and lead me out of the house. 

 I dreaded going into the hangar knowing that's where the rest of the crew was going to be introduced to us. What worried me was Dean's reaction when he found out that Mark was going to be coming with us. I didn't know if I should act totally oblivious to the fact or let him know that I knew for pretty much the whole time. But if I acted oblivious then it would only make things worse for us if he found out I knew and acted like I didn't. I'm sure Mark would love to rub it in to Dean that he was going to be with us the entire time. I wouldn't be surprised if he even acted like he was some sort of god. What a mess you've made. You should just let me make all of your decisions for you. I would have never allowed this to happen. You're too involved with your emotions. Not me, I only care about sex, that's what you should be concerned about too. The rest of the crew was made up of Mark as our lead medical, Helena was our  weapons specialist and a shifter, Matteo was in charge of the weapons who was a vampire, Talya was in charge of navigation who was a witch, and last but not least Mason was our lead engineer and the only good ghost I had come across in a very long time. The good thing was, was we all knew each other, at one point and time we had all worked together. It made the idea of the mission just a little easier knowing exactly who was coming with us. Dean's expression changed in the blink of an eye when he realized Mark was part of our crew. His eyes darted from Mark who had the mother of all smug looks on his face to myself who I could only imagine looked like a deer in head lights. "What's he doing here?" Dean growled tightening his fists at his sides. Fight! Let them fight it out! Make sure they rip their shirts off let them give a real show. You know you would love that! Also why is your crew so attractive? Why are there other females, you don't really care for them! It's okay though I suppose just be sure they know you and Dean sleep together. thrust, thrust, thrust! "Please not now Dean, he's not worth it and what you're doing is exactly the response he wants. Just ignore him, I do." 

 "Welcome back captain Luna. I am assuming you are back with a full crew to go on your mission am I correct?" "Yes Falcon you are." I felt the airship dispatch from the hangar and take flight. Two months or so flying all over Dean and Mark. This is going to be just lovely. 

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