Chapter 26

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Beep, beep, beep.

I could hear it but the room was so dark I couldn't see it. I could hear the voices that flooded the dark room as well. "I told you it's not safe and well Cande, she's fighting. I promise you if she takes a turn for the worst I'll find a safe way to get you here. You need to stay with the falcon, you are the co captain after all." Though I couldn't see him I knew that one of the voices belonged to Aiden and the other Dean. "He's right to be concerned, if you really wanted them to come in I could open the door in the back and they can bring the falcon in. I would have offered to do that earlier. But that door is meant to be only opened in emergency purposes. Honestly look at her, she's not well at all. I thought she would be over what ever it is she has. But she's not. I think It would be a good thing for them to see her in case, well you know." "Why are they talking about me like I'm not around. I'm right here! Right fucking here why aren't they talking to me?!"


"Her heart is fluttering, the venom is either subsiding or it's advancing in her system. Call them around back we need to let them see her." I could hear Alana walk off in the other direction.  "Come one Cande I need you to be okay. I need you to pull through this, we need you. You're not only our captain but like a family member. You're Immortal are you really going to let a mermaid bite make you remain like this. Just show some sign that you're still in there and you're not completely gone. If you're hurting though then let go, the last thing I would want you to do is hold on for the benefit of other people. That would be selfish but if it doesn't please, please wake up." It was apparent that Aiden was crying now by his breathing and the wet feeling on my forehead. "I'm right here! I'm not going anywhere Aiden what are you so upset about. I'm just resting in bed that's all. Why are you acting like I'm dying, i'm immortal remember? All of you know that there's no getting rid of me that easy." I could feel his hands wrapped around one of mine. Just move your fingers or something, hold his hand do something anything. I did what I thought was a try but got no response from the two big hands that grasped mine so tightly.


"Oh my god that doesn't even look like her. She so, so pail I mean five hours ago she was her tan healthy self. Full of life, look at her! I can't even!" It was Mikaela's voice that broke down into tears. Her voice became muffled which meant Aiden was now holding her to comfort her. "Stop crying I'm fine Mika! I'm just hurt I'm not dying, I'm okay. Just listen to me" I screamed in my head. Still nothing from any of them, just silence besides the beep, beep, beep. I felt the brush of lips upon my cheek, I could recognize those lips anywhere. They belonged to Dean, he was right by my side. "Oh my Cande  what's happened to you?" He asked holding on to my hand for dear life. Then there was silence, not really but they were talking so low it might have been silent. Every once and again I would hear a worried response from Mikaela who was disagreeing with what ever they were talking about. "Well there is one option, I could go back in and see what's going on in the inside of her infected leg. That would mean opening her leg up even more than before. Or I could simply cut the whole thing off and let her generate a new one. The thing with that is it could take anywhere from days, to weeks or even months for her to get a new leg. Seeing her self healing has been slowed down. Honestly I don't want to cut it off, it's too much of a risk. If it comes to that, that's what is going to happen. "No not that! Not my leg it's my fucking leg and you are not going to cut it off. I'm not losing my leg because a mermaid bit me, I'm immortal that would be a pathetic reason to have it cut off. Go ahead and dig around in my leg all you want! Pull the skin off if you need to but you're not cutting it off!"


Her pulse is dropping we need a decision. Dean since you're with her what's it going to be?" I could imagine dean running his fingers through his hair as he always did when he would think. "Come on Dean don't let them cut my leg off." I pleaded but with no surprise there was no response. "Don't cut it off, not yet at least you yourself said that was going to be a last resort. Go back in and see if you find anything." Thank god he agreed with me even though he couldn't hear me. Alana wasted no time before she cut my leg open again. I could feel her cut on my thigh where the bite had been all the way down below my knee. I could feel her move the skin, but it didn't hurt and for some reason it didn't bug me. Maybe for the fact that I was just making assumptions of what was actually going on. I could feel her digging around in my leg and every now and again wiping the sides gently with a damp cloth. I figured it was just to clean the wound from the blood. "Here we go! This is what is being such a pain for us. Look the mermaid released one, two, three venom sacks and when Cande healed they got pushed down from the entry point and further down into her leg. The skin applied too much pressure on them causing them to rupture slowly. The venom stayed in one location for the most part. There's also a couple of teeth in here. I can get all of it drained and stitch up her muscle. Hopefully in the next couple of hours she'll be back to herself. Her happy possibly on drug, demanding captain self." I could feel Alana begin to close my leg back up. Whatever she had injected me with was starting to catch up with me and even though I was technically asleep I fell into a deeper sleep.

"You're such a baby Cande. I mean really you're going to let a mermaid be your biggest take down. Is that what is going to be what your biggest match was. A starving mermaid out of everything? Get it together man." I felt two little hands on my face. I opened my eyes, I wasn't in the HQ anymore I was at a house I didn't recognize. "Sarah?" I asked trying to focus on who the hands on my face belonged to. "Obviously it's me, who were you expecting to talk to you like that. None of your loyals would, but someone has to bring you back down to earth so you don't get full of yourself. And that's where I come in." She smiled looking down at the little figure planted right in front of me. "Lilly." I breathed raising my hand and stroking her cheek.  "Are you okay Cande?" She asked with a concerned look on her face. She got the stuffed panda she had been holding and put it under my arm. "He always makes me feel better when I'm sick, so hopefully he'll help you." She smiled and played with my hand. "Now I know it may seem like we don't get along anymore. And I know what I told you was horrible, but in all reality it was just the fear taking over. I don't know all of the details of what you do I just read about what's going on over there.Look at you, look what's happened to you. And I don't know how you're able to push through, not just yourself but you also watch out for Rach. I just want you to be normal again, I need my sister here with me, my best friend." Her eyes filled with tears as did mine. "Lilly wants you, both of you here with us. Have you guys found a cure yet?" I shook my head not saying anything. "Oh, well you guys will eventually maybe not tomorrow but soon. Think about it when you and Rachel are human again you guys will be here to watch Lilly grow. I mean it won't be her first since you missed out on the first couple of years but that doesn't matter. All that matters that you and Rach will be here and we'll be a family once again." I held on to Lilly scared to let go of her, knowing that this was the one time I would actually be able to touch her, to see her. "Now what I need you to do is to wake up." "What?" I asked taken back by her statement. "I need you to wake up to show everyone that you're okay. Cande this isn't real, somewhere in your mind you had to know that. This is just a dream, or more your sub conscious. The true thing is, is this is how I really feel about you. But I need you to wake up right now because if you don't they're going to resort to cutting your leg off. Now I'll, we'll see you soon." With that Sarah and Lilly slowly faded away smiling and waving.

"No don't!!"  A voice cried out as I opened my eyes. "She's  awake don't you start cutting parts of her off. Just give her time to come back, come out of whatever it is that you gave her. I'm sure she'll tell you if she's still in pain or not feeling well." Mikaela grabbed hold of my hand and played with my fingers like how Lilly had. For a split second I forgot it wasn't real and scanned the room for Lilly, Sarah, or even the panda Lilly had given to me to make me feel better. Nothing, nothing at all to prove that what I had seen was real and not just my mind and the drugs. "Welcome back." Dean smiled giving my hand a gentle squeeze. I remembered what Sarah had said about my leg and quickly reached down to make sure that is was still there. "Good you didn't cut it off." Alana had a puzzled look on her face. "What do you mean? You could hear what we were talking about when you were out of it?" I nodded my head, " I was able to hear everything you were talking about. I'm glad you didn't go cutting happy on me and cut my leg off." I forced a smile. "Well I thought about it but then I thought, how would the very Cande Luna chase after handsome men with only one leg until it grew back." She smiled and winked looking over at Dean. "Now just relax, and i'll be back to check on you in a bit. Guys if you want to give her some time by herself you can. I think that would be best, we can go and get something to eat from the lunch room." Alana left the room leading the way."Go guys." I said as they all got up, all but Dean. Mikaela and Aiden both looked back at the bed before leaving. I nodded my head reassuring them that it was perfectly fine to leave. If I hadn't they probably wouldn't have left. "Dean you should go. You probably haven't eaten anything, you need your strength." "I'm not leaving you Cande, I never left your side at your worst and I never plan on it." I knew trying to get him to leave would be impossible. "Why didn't you let Aiden tell me how bad you really were?" "Because I knew if he had you would have just left the crew and the ship Dean. You wouldn't have thought things out before you left and would likely have gotten hurt." I squeezed his hand that held mine. "You know you're a pain right?" I nodded, "I've been told." "Good because you are. Now don't you ever scare me like that again." "Oh Dean maybe I should go outside and get bitten again, look how sweet you're being." "Cande that's not even funny!" The tone in his voice was of the one that he used when he talked to Mark. "Alright you're right, I'm sorry.That's not funny. You shouldn't worry so much, you forget the fact that I'm immortal. So you can't get rid of me that easy."

Oh sweet mother of god I'm alive! I'm alive and I have both of my legs. I threw up in front of Aiden but I suppose that's okay. The only thing that matters is I'm alive and I have Dean. And if he doesn't work out there's plenty of other guys for us. Now go out there and seize the day!! ;)

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