Chapter 27

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Come on don't be such a baby. Your leg isn't cut that bad, you've already pretty much healed yourself. Don't be a bitch and move those short legs. Who used to run the mile freakishly fast?!One foot in front of the other!  I must tell you I do approve of you using Dean as support to get you started. If you fall make sure that it's on Dean and not to the side. Go ahead and do that, you haven't fallen since you began trying to walk again. But in all seriousness hurry up and heal because every day you're hurt is just another day you can't have Dean in that way! 

She jogged in place dressed in what looked like work out clothes from the eighties and a sweat band on her head. It was perfectly clear as to why the little voice would never have a job as a physical therapist. She lacked compassion to say the least. Since I had gotten hurt it had set us back a couple of days. By which I mean at least a week, no one seemed to mind though, it was some sort of a vacation I guess you could see. Today was one of the many days that I spent trying to get my right leg to move like my left one again. It was harder than I expected, relying on my left more than my right. When I had began trying to walk it was impossible. It was more like I was just standing in place barely moving. When I would actually move I practically toppled over. I would have it Dean hadn't been right by my side to catch me. It was nice though I had the support of my entire crew as well as Alana's, cheering in my small victories of taking baby steps every time. The pain grew in my leg as I tried to push my self on making it down the hall. If I could then that meant  I was almost fully healed, but it was far for me and my leg was now killing me. Turn off your emotions and walk down the hall like a boss. Yeah you may split your incision open but Dean will think you're well enough to participate in extra activities other than helping you walk. Now go!! Do it for the both of us! The thought of doing what she had said was tempting. If I turned off my emotions I wouldn't be able to tell how bad my leg was hurting. "Don't you even think about doing that Cande. If you're starting to hurt we'll just pick things up again tomorrow. The last thing I need you to do is to over do it and permanently damaging your leg." How did he know that? You must have said something you traitor, I thought we were in this together. Wait what if he can hear your thought? What if he can hear me right now? What if he's been able to this whole time and just chose to never say anything. Dear god no!! The little voice ran and hid under the bed, her sweat band flew off in the process of her hiding. "I'm fine Dean, I just need to rest for a bit." I replied leaning against the wall, not putting weight on my right leg. "No you're done for today. You did good, you made it halfway down the hall this time. Now you're going to rest for the rest of the day." He put an arm around my back and the other one under my legs and carried me towards the lobby where everyone had been.  Ohh where's he taking us? Maybe he's going to take us to our room and set your hurt leg aside. If you know what I mean. Good god.

In the lobby stood Mikaela who every time a mermaid would swim in front of the glass window would tap on the glass, point, hold up a fist and shake it angrily and then point to her eyes to let them know she was watching it. None of the mermaids seemed to care much or find her much of a threat. The one she did scare though was nothing but a baby about the same age of Ava. She looked nothing like her though, she was so young and had no shred of humanity in her. She must have been born in that way. "Mikaela give it a rest for today, yes you're teffifying but I mean really there's nothing you can do to them. The only thing you're providing is the entertainment." Aiden tossed a small piece of bread at the love of his life. "Shut up Aiden, I want to be sure they know not to mess with us." She reached down and picked up a small ball off of the floor. In one fluid motion she threw it, nailing Aiden in his man part causing him to buckle over. "Yes because we all know that there is nothing more terrifying than a vampire threatening mermaids with her face against the window." I hadn't even realized that Mikaela sometimes had her face against the window until Dean had pointed it out. "Dean shut the fu, wait guys what is that in the water?" I pushed myself up off of  the couch to go and see. I didn't walk though like before Dean carried me over, gently setting me in between himself and Mika. "Hello love." She breathed putting her arm under mine to help hold me up. The thing swimming in the water scaring all of the mermaids was long, thin and hairless. The mermaids that were by the window a few minutes ago were now swimming in every which direction trying to get away. The thing swam faster than they did though. Without looking like it had moved it reached out and grabbed the baby mermaid who had gotten lost in the frenzy. It clutched it in it's bony hands and refused to let the baby go. In one movement it attacked and bit the baby's head off, then proceeded to eat the rest of it. I hid my face in Dean's shoulder it was just too much for me to see. It was just a baby. "What the fuck is a pod doing in the water?" Mikaela asked taking a step forward to see where it had gone. All  I could think of was back in Alaska, how Landon had said that they seemed to be evolving. And by seeing this pod in the acidic water it proved the point. "They must be running out of food, so he came in the water." I said taking my face from Dean's shoulder. 

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