Chapter 4

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I sat there looking at Chris' outstretched hand waiting for me to grab it in a shake. I wanted to so badly and Mikaela wanted me to just as much. "OK lets say we agree to do this for you, how are we supposed to and what about Rachel and Taylor? Hmm it's not like we can just tote them around with us and take them to some of the most dangerous cities in the world." Chris drew his hand back and smiled. "I've taken that all into consideration and to get to the locations I need you to go, you get the black falcon back. Now she's had some modifications since you last had her but she's the same just better. The best airship the agency has, and you'll also get your old crew back. With a few new additions." He motioned to Dean and Aiden. "As for Rachel and Taylor, I can care for them if you would like. You forget I was once a father and Janeal would love having children in the house again." I couldn't help but feel bad for him, he lost his son and daughter when this first happened. They weren't much older than Rachel. Even though Chris was a vampire and too fast and strong for his own good, not even he was able to save them. "So if we decide to do this, this will be the last thing we do for the agency right? No random calls, no sending agents on us to see what we're doing? We're just done, it's going to be like we fell off of the face of the earth. Or even hiding in Bora, Bora." "That's impossible Cande, we all know Bora, Bora is the breeding ground for mermaids and sea beasts. They wouldn't welcome you there. But yes I see what you're saying and the answer is yes, this time you will be fully out. That is unless you would like to stay with the agency." He had question in his response as if he was almost hoping that I would agree to staying. Hesitantly I reached over the desk and shook his hand. "Nice doing business with you captain." He smiled a toothy grin exposing his protruding fangs in glee. "Now men Cande is your captain and Mikaela is the commander anything Cande says goes. Only if it's not too crazy or out of line. Trust me Mikaela wouldn't allow it believe it or not." "Yes sir" they both replied, Dean looking over and doing another wink and small smile. Don't let him get to you Cande!! The voice in my head yelled at me.

"Now let's head over the maps shall we?" Chris stood up and lead the line over to them. I felt someone dangerously close to me and their warm breath by my ear. "I'm gong to enjoy working under you captain" Dean breathed low enough to try to avoid everyone else in the room from hearing. I didn't respond, I couldn't without my voice cracking or saying something completely stupid. Just the way he said it made it seem as if there was something underlying in his words. My body is ready!! The voice in my head screamed as I thought back to Dean's statement. Now wasn't the time to let my mind wander to such things though. We sat at a round table as Chris shut of the main lights in his office and the map illuminated the room. Don't look up! The little voice screamed in my head knowing who was sitting right across from me. Not listening to it I looked up and caught Dean once again staring. His eyes were so beautiful, the blue was of one I had never seen before. He smiled and winked, waggling his eyebrow this time. "Nope, nope, nope" I whispered. Mikaela let out a low laugh at my reaction to him. "Focus Cande, just focus on what's happening right now. After this you can touch Dean all you want. Trust me It's hard for me to focus as well. But we have to, think of Lilly." Mikaela whispered, acting as if she were pointing something out to me on the map. "Yes Mikaela? Is there something you would like to share? Or you Cande?" Chris knew us all too well to know that what we were talking about had nothing at all to do with what we were supposed to be paying attention to. That and his god damn vampiric hearing. "Oh no sir just, nothing," Mikaela breathed looking directly at the map. Both Dean and Sam were staring at us, with the same exact crooked smile. "I was just thinking sir, looking at the map it has a very lovely view." Dean said not being able to say it with a straight face. By the way Chris turned around he knew no one was paying attention. "Now then let's get serious. The most infected areas are Moscow, Rome, Tokyo, Berlin, Sydney, and that's just to name a few. You're first stop is going to be Sydney, it's not as bad as the other cities. I need you to take the falcon along with your crew and secure a sample of a cure that they are trying to develop over there. You will make no pit stops once you have it, just come straight back here. That sample is only good for a short amount of time so I want you to know how crucial it is that you guys be quick and safe. Once we've obtained a willing test subject to inject it into is when you'll be leaving for the next city. Moscow is by far the most dangerous location I am sending you guys to. It is pretty much over run with pods. They have come to the point to where they no longer just stick to the shadows. They are starting to come out during the day. Even though they get burnt they don't care. I just need to know that you guys will be safe. Cande I know it's a lot for you to take in, but I trust you. With not only your own life but also the lives of your crew." "Chris when have I ever lost anyone? Never right? So don't worry I have this!"

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