Chapter 33

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One month later

Since I first arrived at the Tokyo facility Adrian did what he could to make me feel more at home for the time being. He even went as far as cleaning out an utility closet and making it my own room. Just so I wouldn't have to keep sleeping in the medical part of the building. Not that I actually would sleep there, he would. He had given up his room to me and he slept in the medical part. Most of the time though I would insist that he sleep in his own room. Every time he would deny and say something along the lines of he prefers sleeping out in the open. I knew it wasn't true, no one in their right mind would want to sleep out in the open. I felt even worse because he would wake up complaining about his back hurting some mornings. As nice as it was here during the day I missed home more than anything. I missed my crew, Rachel, Taylor, even people I didn't even know their names. Not to mention as much as I would hate to admit it, I missed Dean. I mean we weren't together anymore right? Yeah he said that he loved me and I told him back before this whole Tokyo mission began. But that's just like a panic reflex right? He couldn't have meant it, he pretty much hated me this whole time. I just don't know anymore, I think the little voice and the being home sick is getting to me. Not to mention the very handsome Adrian, how is insanely sweet, smart, and gorgeous. No, no I can't touch him. I don't even know about Dean and I; I think I do but I'm not sure. I would hate to do something with Adrian and have Dean still for some reason think that we were still together. The guilt itself would simply kill me more than anything. With that thought I turned from the room I stood in front of, hand raised to knock on the door and headed back to my room. Wait what are you doing? We were right there! I give you one simple thing to do and you can't even do that. I told you to knock on the door, he would open it. Realize that you guys still have feelings for each other and things would follow. THINGS WILL FOLLOW! But no, you over analyzed things and look at where we are now. We're back in our tiny claustrophobic room alone. You Cande Luna are a disgrace.

"Cande are you up? I was going to go down to my lab and run an experiment." I tried to answer the door with out looking like I was too eager. Or like if I had been waiting for him to come over here. I failed by falling against the door causing it to shut the little bit it had been opened. Adrian let out a low chuckle from the other side of the door. "Not cool Adrian, I can hear you." I said calmly opening the door back open. "I know but you should have seen your face when the door closed. You know I love you." He said he loved you! That's an open invite to rip his clothes off and have your way with him. Now do it! Don't let me down again.! Adrian reached out and inspected my newly grown arm. I couldn't be more relieved that it had grown back all the way and actually looked the way an arm should. Not like my toes, they had gotten caught in something and got ripped off. They grew back all wonky and curved. Not my arm though, and that was good. "It grew back very nice Cande. Though I can't say i'm surprised." He winked before leading the way to his lab. Good gahd woman he winked. He's obviously flirting with you now make a move. Forget about Dean and his glowing blue eyes. Focus on Adrian and his baby blues, and his amazing cheek bones. Oh god and his black hair. Focus on him and only him. Who is to say that Dean is over there being loyal because he may or may not think the same way as you. He could be out there at HQ fucking Talya for all you know. She wanted him and she wanted him bad. So of course with you gone missing it would be a perfect opportunity to console him and sleep with him. So either you do something or I will take over and make all of you decisions for you. Trust me you really don't want that but I'll do it if you don't listen to me. The voice was just saying things I had already thought of myself. All of those thoughts had crossed my mind in my time here. But if Dean did move on I could always do the same. Even if it meant coming here again and re kindling something with Adrian. She did make my insecurities about Talya more apparent though. I wouldn't put it past her trying to get Dean.

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