Chapter 16

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I sat in front of my vanity attempting to curl an un-curable strand of hair. The stupid thing just wasn't having it, it would somewhat curl then have some sort of freaky ridge in the middle. "Mika, a little help!" I called to the sleeping vampire on my bed. "Huh? What? Oh, okay!!" She bounded over in one leap and was now standing behind me fighting with the same piece of hair. "So why did you not tell me this morning what was going on? I mean this is pretty big, and I'm like your sister and I should know these kinds of things. Speaking of which, girls a moment please." With that Rachel and Taylor walked into the room. It was obvious they were trying to work on their grace by how slowly they were walking. Even with that they still were unable to be any where near as graceful as Layla. Rachel's foot fell underneath Taylor's causing her to fall and tack Rach down with her. "Girls please, you were never graceful in your human lives and still aren't. I just don't think you guys were ever meant for it." Mikaela and I laughed looking in the mirror at the pile of two girls. I swear it's like they shared a brain, they did everything together even if it meant falling. They reminded me of Mikaela and myself when we were younger and even now for the matter. Taylor got up first holding an open hand to Rachel, pulling her up and onto the bed to sit. Being in the room with three of the people I would die for made me that much more depressed about leaving the day after next. I felt the tears starting to pile up and finally one broke free from the rest. No not now. Don't do that you're going to freak them out. They're going to see that you, for once is actually scared. Don't cry, don't be a little bitch. Just think of Dean shirtless or Mark trapped in the elevator, that always gets you to laugh. Quickly I wiped my eye but not before the girls saw. "What's wrong?" Taylor asked with a concerned look. "Oh uh I have an eyelash in my eye." I replied smiling trying not to cause any need for concern. "Here let me take a look. I don't see anything are you sure Cande?" I stepped on Mikaela's under the vanity. "Yes I'm sure Mikaela, it's there." "Oh yeah, yeah I see it just do a long blink and it'll go away." 

Mikaela was able to get the rebelious hair curled without even trying. "I couldn't do it because I'm not left handed." I teased as she went through the rest of my hair I suppose making sure it was springy enough. " I have called you girls up here to inform you that our sister is going to be meeting her very handsome boyfriend's parents." Their eyes grew wide with excitement. "Are you going to marry him? Because if you are I think we should start planning. Obviously you are going to have Rach and myself in the bridal party along with Mikaela and Layla. Ava can be the flower girl, we just need to show her to throw the flowers down instead of at people." "Taylor, taylor! One thing at a time, I'm just simply meeting them. I'm not  going to be getting married anytime soon." That's what you think, you're already married for the most part. Make him put a ring on it, and a big one at that. Come one we're not in this for nothing. I quickly shook my head to make the little voice shut up. For once it decided to talk about something other than sex and it happened to be marriage. If I had to chose I would chose the other topic for it to have some sort of attack over. "Now girls don't rush her into marrying the guy just yet. Give her time like oh I don't know about a month or two. Then we'll start pushing her to marry him, after that then it'll be lots and lots of babies." Mikaela looked over to the mirror and winked. I could feel my cheeks turn hot and pinken with the thought. "Oh whoa, whoa, whoa hold the phone, Mika what about you. Hmm? When are you going to marry Aiden you are his mate as well after all. Hmm? And what about babies, I love them and i expect you to give me nieces or nephews that I can actually see." Being some sort of minions Rachel and Taylor joined in quizzing Mikaela about her future plans with Aiden. "Oh come on guys can't you see Cande is only doing this to get the attention off of her and onto someone else. We're not talking about me right now Cande." A gentle knock at the door was the cause of the wedding and baby crazed mob to shut up.

Dean poked his head in smiling, it was so apparent that he had clearly heard what the girls were talking about. "Are you ready?" He asked with an even bigger smile than before.Good god! Look at him, he is a straight up sexy beast! Sweet babies good luck focusing on tonight, you're on your own girl! "Yes" I breathed getting up from the vanity and making my way over to where he was standing. He quickly wrapped an arm around me and bid farewell over his shoulder to the room full of girls that were giggling so bad that no noise was coming out, they were just shaking. "Are they okay?" He asked not able to stop the smile on his lips to breaking out into a full blown, ovary destroying one. "Yeah they're fine. I know it looks like they're seizing but they're not. You, you know how they are." He laughed and shook his head, knowing exactly how they are. "Alright Aiden we're heading out now." Dean called to him who was in the kitchen making a sandwich. "Alright sounds good I'll keep an eye on things. Since it's you guys I won't wait up nor let the girls wait up either." He winked shoving the sandwich in his mouth. 

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