Chapter 29

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"Oh god don't tell me you've decided not to go to Rome because of this guy. He's just a guy Cande and you're better off being single for the time being of your mission. Don't get me wrong he is gorgeous but  it's for the best. Don't do the whole heart broken teenage girl where you eat your weight in junk food. That's never been you and I neve want it to be. Also don't cry, you've never been an attractive cryer." I felt someone using my arm as a pillow and I felt someone else laying right beside me. I opened my eyes from my nap, "Lilly? Sarah?" They were the two forms I had felt by me. "Yes who were you expecting?" Sarah asked smiling and ran a hand through my hair. "Has anyone ever told you, you are the most comforting sister in the world and deserve all the awards? What are you doing here? It's not safe for you guys!" I sat up in a panic. "Oh don't worry about that you know this isn't real and it's just a dream again.  And yes I have been told that many times in fact my trophy case is full. You and Rach are lucky you have such an amazing older sister. You seem to be dreaming of us more, I don't know why  because you never have. The one reason I was able to come up with though is that you're almost done with your mission. Your feelings may be taking over your subconscious state of mind and you are dreaming of us. I'm not complaining because It's nice to see you. Well you know what I mean. Now you're about to wake up. I just want you to not let Dean get to you. You're better than that, we'll see you soon." The fading image of Lilly blowing a kiss vanished as soon as I had opened my eyes. 

Ok Sarah was right about me not going to Rome because I was upset. I was even more upset about not being on the team that went out to see if the HQ had a working cure. Instead I was sitting this one out and I had chosen Dean and Aiden to go. Mostly because I wanted to be nowhere near Dean right now. As they suited up Dean kept looking over, not saying anything but just simply staring. "Are you sure you don't want to come. It'll be fun we'll hang out together. We don't have to spend the time with Dean." Aiden looked like a little boy trying to get something he wanted out of one of his parents. "No Aiden i feel kind of sore. You know like a stabbing feeling in my back. I don't know what it is though." He smiled knowing exactly what I was getting at, glancing over at Dean. "Well if it makes you feel better I'm on your side. Just don't tell him. I do want you guys to get back together though. You guys were good together." "Not now Aiden, just focus on the mission and I'll see you in a couple of minutes." I patted him on his back, he pulled me in a tight hug against him. By the strength he was releasing it was apparent that he became totally oblivious to his grip. "Aiden i'm not a were  wolf. I'm just an immortal careful you're going to break me." I mumbled into his chest. If this is the way he suffocates people I'm okay with it. I mean his chest is just simply amazing! You don't need air to breathe so just deal with it. Let's enjoy this moment. "I'msorry." He laughed releasing me from his death grip. I left the room knowing that Mika and Aiden wanted to say their goodbyes in private. 

"So that's how it's going to be? You're not going to talk to me at all? I mean I am going out there with Aiden and you're not going to say anything? Not even pretend you're worried for my safety?" Dear god where is this queen's crown? He's such a little bitch just humor him. Then we'll scope out the area for any decent looking guys while they're on their mission. "Oh you're right Dean what was I thinking? Oh my god I am so worried about your safety in Rome, which happens to be the safest city we've gone to. I mean it's not like there isn't any infected here because there is. You be safe out there with Aiden I know how terrifying it is going to be, being noon here and nowhere for the pods to hide. You come back to me. You know what I can't even begin to pretend like I care. This is going to be easy now just stop and do your job and I'll do mine." The look on his face was priceless, it's as if he didn't know if he should either laugh or call me horrible names. "Oh my god now I know why Chris says you're such a pain Cande. You know I still love you though right?" Do not, I repeat do not let him get in your head. He knows all of your little flaws. Which is hard for me to say because you know we're perfect. But he knows how to play you and we can't let that happen. I mean look at him in his uniform about to do a mission. If we weren't mad at him I'd tell you to get in his pants. He's gorgeous! Wait don't listen to me, he's gotten to me so it's too late for me! Save yourself! Just turn off your emotions. It'll freak him out with you not giving a fuck. Just do it or he'll get to you.   "Yeah well say what you will I don't care how you feel about me. The feeling isn't mutual, so I would stop if I were you. Honestly you're going to just waste your time. Now Aiden is waiting for you so go, good luck and I'll see you in a bit." I left before he could say anything more. 

See I told you getting caught up with a werewolf was going to be a mess. Did I not? Look at what he has done. I'm glad we're done over him, there are too many other guys for us to not settle down. Just avoid the werewolves, they're too unpredictable.   With a long blink I was able to completely tune out the little voice in my head. She wasn't happy with that. I could see her I guess yelling and banging her little fists against  a wall. It was just easier without her telling me to do one thing and then a totally other thing. This alone time would probably make her get her act together. I took my seat by Mikaela and watched Dean and Aiden through the eye in the sky. It watched their every movement to be sure they were okay. I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried about Dean because I was. Even though Rome was a lot safer than Chris had thought I didn't know what was lurking around the corners or where the eye couldn't see. Quickly though I had to pull myself from that state of mind. 

They moved quickly through the city getting looks from every female that they passed. Glancing over at Mikaela I could see exactly how not okay she was with them looking at Aiden. Though everyone is Rome was a ghost they could be pretty seductive, especially the females. "Calm down killer. They have no effect on Aiden, look at him he's not even paying attention. You're just lucky that you can't see all of the ghosts because the ones that you can't see are whores!" It was true the felmales were literally throwing themselves at the guys. Since they had used all of their energy they were invisible to pretty much anyone, I could see them just fine. One of them ripped her shirt open and Aiden passed and just by chance looked in the direction she happened to be. Another was making thrusting motions in front of Dean and got beyond pissed when he didn't react. For a split second I could feel the blood in my veins run faster as the ghost did that to him. I quickly had to calm myself, that was the last thing I wanted everyone to know. That I still somewhat cared for Dean and didn't want anyone or anything touching him. Needless to say the ghosts  were a very desperate bunch. 

I watched as Dean and Aiden entered the HQ hoping that they would just be in and out. Mainly for the fact that the HQ held many mutated infected. "I shouldn't have sent just the two of them. I should have gone with them." I whispered to Mikaela who was watching them just as intently as I had been. "Don't worry yourself Cande. Everything is going to be fine and it's good for you to sit one out everyone now and again. Honestly you do way too much for everyone and ask for nothing in return. So just sit back and relax. The guys are fine and they're just as well trained as you are. There's nothing to worry about." She gave my knee  a tight squeeze to reassure me. How could she remain so calm watching them? I felt as if I were going to have some sort of attack! My breathing quickened and I could also feel the flow of my blood pick up as well. Just relax, I spent sometime with myself because you blocked me out you bitch. And look at me, I'm relaxed and that's what you need. I took both of Mikaela's advice and the little voices as well.  They were right once I did I realized there was nothing to worry about. The whole thing went rather smoothly, the antidote did't work but I wasn't exactly expecting it to. The pod just seized and then just died upon injection. Un like the rest though this one showed no signs of evolving into something smarter. 

I was relieved when the guys came back to the falcon. "See Cande I'm fully capable of handling something without you." Aiden teased pulling me into another bone breaking hug. "Yes you are, you guys did good." I walked towards the command center of the falcon without saying a single word to Dean. "You know Aiden is not the only one that was on that mission. I was there too and you don't tell me I did a good job?" Dear god he's just like a child!! He's lucky he's a sexy beast or I would have slapped him by now!  "Fine Dean you did good. Oh just so you don't let Chris down be sure you put that in your report to him. I wouldn't want you to leave anything out." Not another word was said between the two of us. I heard him storm off into his cabin where he never slept and mumble things before the door slammed. Normally I would have called him out on whatever he mumbled but It wasn't worth it. I had more important things I needed to focus on like getting the mission over and done with. So I could see Lilly that's all I wanted. 

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