Chapter 10

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We sat with our legs crossed directly across from each other on my bed. Although I must admit it wasn't easy getting Dean into the house without giggles coming from the girls as well as Mikaela. "So tell me what is it that you want to tell me, I mean you've gotten out of it a couple of times. Just tell me Dean." I reached over and gave his forearm a gentle squeeze. He smiled grabbing hold of my hand and holding it, looking at my "mannish" hands. "I don't want to, I, I just. I don't know how you're going to act when I do. I mean you have a reputation, not a bad one but  I've heard you not one to exactly stick around." He didn't have to explain himself, I knew exactly what he meant. Yeah there had been a couple, a few, ok there was a good number but I didn't exactly sleep with all of them. There's a difference between being friendly and being slutty. I was mostly friendly like how I was friendly with Adam at the bar the other night. "Ohh, yeah about that only a few of those stories are true." I replied looking at my hand in his. "That's what I thought when I met you, I could tell you weren't what they had said at all." He refused to make eye contact which for him was quite out of the ordinary. Dean was the one person that made eye contact for no reason. He just liked people to look at him, I always thought it was to make them look at his gorgeous glowing blue eyes. For the first time since I met him Dean was silent, he didn't know what to say, well he did but he just didn't know how to say whatever was on his mind. You're his mate think about it. Think back to how he got with Mark and Adam, he got insanely jealous. He won't leave you alone. So you're either his mate or he just wants one thing. But if I had to guess it would be the mate thing. Think about it if you accept him he would be solely yours and nobody' Else's. Just yours. This time the voice was actually making sense once she pointed everything out and wasn't being some hormone crazed person in my head. He's gorgeous and you would be able to have him anytime you want. Accept him! "Dean just tell me, you know you can. Tell me." I made my voice was sincere to try and get him to open up. 

"Ok" he took in a deep breath looking up. "Do you want to know why I won't leave you alone? Why I can't? Why I need to be by you all the time? Cande you're my mate! I knew it the moment I saw you, I felt something I had never felt before. Then I saw Mark and how he was with you. Do you know how bad that hurt, not knowing that you didn't love him. Thinking that I had completely lost you to someone who drugged them self? Do you really think that I would have slept with you in the same bed just to do it? No I'm not that type of guy at all. Cande It's because it's you, you're the one I want to, need to be with. Knowing that you can turn all of your emotions off is the most terrifying thing to me. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't know how you would be with me if you found out. I'm not saying that you need to accept me because I want you to be happy even if it's not with me." He trailed off again looking down at his hands resting on the bed. I sat there on my bed weighing all of my options before making a decision. Well first of all he's insanely gorgeous but that was just a shallow reason to be with him. He can be very sweet at times which he proved on our date earlier, The girls liked him which was another plus. He's a captain for the agency which he did look very good in his suit. And I honestly wanted to just be with him, that was a first considering I had a short attention span when it came to guys. He was the only one though that I didn't want to be without. And as much as I'd hate to admit it, I felt  something that could only be described as love towards him. A feeling that I only felt for my family and friends close enough to be considered family. There was no one, no one at all especially a guy that I felt this for.

"Honestly Dean I can't see myself being with anyone else but you. Which is crazy considering the fact i've only known you for a couple of days but, I feel something for you. So yes I accept you as being my mate." With that he used his weight against me, pinning me on the bed and releasing one of the most amazing kisses ever. Needless to say that lead to other things happening. Oh yes finally. FINALLY! I love you so much for this, I mean wow.  When is it going to happen again? Well don't rush it, i'll give you a break considering you did this for us. The voice relaxed on a couch and began to smoke an invisible cigarette. Wow that little voice had some serious issues that only a licensed doctor could take care of. "This can't affect the mission objective though Dean, I mean you're not going to be constantly with me. There are going to be some situations where I'm going to handle things myself. I'm fully capable of that, I just need to make sure you're aware with that." He propped himself up on an elbow and looked at me, making perfect eye contact. It's like he did it on purpose, the because as he sat up the blanket fell  exposing his perfect chest. "I have considered this as well, and no it won't effect our mission but it will be quite difficult for me to stay behind and watch you diffuse situations on your own. But I'll manage" he replied pushing a few stray hairs out of the way of my forehead and kissing it. MOAR!! The voice screamed. Look his chest is exposed! He's yours just take him again, you're immortal, he's a werewolf I'm sure you guys could go for days. Let's do an experiment and see how long you guys could go. Come on it'll be good, just think as it as research. Good god for a second I thought she would actually calm down.

Getting out of the room was the hardest thing. No scratch that, it was impossible. As soon as the four high schoolers, best friend and his best friend saw us exit together everyone in the room got the maturity of a hormone crazed perverted 14 year old. Mikaela looked at me with the only way to describe it would be as "Oh yes". As well as everyone else, not to mention how horrible it was that all Dean had to do was look at Aiden and he automatically knew what had gone on. And just because that's not good enough Sam and Eleon also knew it. I might as well have yelled it out "Yes you see this beyond gorgeous man right here?! Yes him, he has made me his mate and we just had sex! Yes Sex! SEX!" Is what was pretty much yelled out. As Dean walked by Rachel's cheeks turned hot pink. "Relax" I whispered to her trying not to draw any attention to her who was practically hyperventilating on the couch. "I'm ordering pizzas for dinner." I finally broke the awkward silence and walked off into the kitchen. Mikaela was right on my heels, "so did you guys you know??" "Mikaela!"  I exclaimed possibly turning as red as Rachel. "What i'm a pervert and need to know these things. I want to know if my sister has procreated with one of the most gorgeous guys I have ever seen. So please just answer the question." "Yes Mikaela I did that with him and not only that but he has decided to make me his mate." "Oh wow that's some major stuff right there Cande. Well did you accept him?" Mikaela went from being somewhat behind me to now practically being smashed against me. "Yes Mikaela, I did."  Just saying it out loud gave me a warm tingly feeling. "That's great i'm so happy for you." Mikaela hugged me "I'm Aiden's mate too!"

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