Ch. 29 Regretting Decisions Again

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Ch. 29 Regretting Decisions Again

I don't really need to go into the details of what happened. Clearly we made it back, or else, well, I wouldn't be there to, uh, well...

You know, time travel is confusing.

Anyway, I made it back to the present, and everything was good.

Skip forward to current time...

I thrust open the door to Doc's house. Before I could even step in, Nelly came flying ahead of me, crying and sobbing. I sighed and slumped into the basement. Doc was there, and she turned in her seat when she heard me coming.

"Todd! Oh good, you're okay. What happened? I tried the comm and you didn't answer. I was worried! What happened out there?"

I slumped against a wall and looked at my feet. I breathed in before trying to manage it. "A-a-(sigh)"

Doc turned away from the computer and looked at me closely. "Todd? Did something happen?"

I swallowed my guilt. If I was gonna be a leader, I needed to at least be able to do this. "K-Kadabra..." I took in one last breath, " dead."

I explained it to her, every part of it. I guess I needed to just get it off my chest. Doc was upset, but she remained positive and encouraging. "Why don' go get some rest?" I sighed. She was probably right.

I wandered into our room and climbed onto my bed. I felt a flood of guilt. This was my fault. I felt my eyes closing from exhaustion. My...fault...


I found myself in a dream. It wasn't really a dream, but more like just remembering in my sleep. I was walking off, after rescuing Celebi. However, before I left, it called out.


I stopped and quickly turned around. "Yup?"

"Todd, Kadabra is your friend, and he is always with you, and willing to help if you ask him for it. Just...just remember that."

At the time I had thought it meant that we could always count on him. Now I realized. Celebi knew he was going to die.


I woke up with something to do. I had sent Kadabra on this mission, it was my job to fix it. I got out of my bed quietly and went out the back. I was quiet. I didn't want anyone else coming.

About 20 minutes later I was at the place. I took a breath, and called out, "Celebi, I'm here."

It took a moment, but Celebi soon came towards me. "Hello, Todd. What can I do for you?"

"I need you to send me back in time."

Celebi somewhat frowned, but seemed willing. "Very well, when shall I send you?"

My eyes narrowed. I knew what I had to do. "To the night of the banquet."


I came out of the portal and it was eight months ago. I was normal, I was actually still living with my mom, everything was fine.

I had to keep it that way.

I was in one of the stalls in the guys restroom. I had a hoodie on, so I put up the hood and waited.

Minutes later, I heard an alarm blare and screams fill the building. I burst out of the bathroom, and scanned the crowd for Nelly. I found her. I rushed over to her and knelt down next to her. "Easy, easy, it's gonna be okay." I stood up and held her hand as I scanned for one more exit. Unfortunately, I saw myself as well. At that same time, past me began to look back. I forced the hoodie further over my head. I pulled Nelly to a side exit and got her out safe.

"Okay, are you alright? No injuries, no dizziness of any kind?" She shook her head. I smiled. I let her see it. I thought towards the sky, "Celebi, I'm ready." I walked off behind a corner and I disappeared in a flash of light. I had a brief moment of walking through the time stream. It was peaceful. I stepped out, closing my eyes and breathing in the air and...


I coughed out the breath and looked around me. Chaos. I heard occasional screams, and there was fire and destruction every where. I ran. I couldn't think of anything else. Just to run. I found myself running to my school, my neighborhood, my street, my house.

A pile of rubble. My mind fogged. I collapsed on my knees. I screamed. Only screamed. Everything I knew was gone.

Everything. Gone.

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