Chapter 2

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Is Dakota Fanning a good one for Jamie? She's pretty but do you think so? O_O

"I'm a stupid person!" I yell at lunch messing up my hair while I hold my head in frustration. "Ugh!"

Emily pops me on the back of the head. "Chill out, stupid girl!"

I sigh. In fourth period this is what happened:

I get out my phone to make sure it's on vibrate and the stuck-up Mrs. Wilson grabs it. "No phones in the classroom, Jamie."

Stupidly, I grab it since that's what I do when Olive tries to read my text messages. I realize what I did and feel screwed now. Shit, shit, shit! "I--"

"Jamie Miller! This phone is confiscated and you have detention after school! Now, go back to work or I will personally tell the Principal."

Some people start laughing. Mrs. Howard's stuck up nose swings around to glare at them and they shut up and cough. Dammit, dammit, dammit! I was waiting for a phone call from Evan about Gramma's birthday party tonight! OHHH shit! I'm so screwed when I get home! They'll be so pissed I'll be grounded for a week or forever!

Now, I'm sitting here in a calm matter.

"Stupid Mrs. Wilson! Burn in hell!" I yell/say taking in my spaghetti like a vacuum.

Emily talks to Gale trying to ignore my harking down food and I stop whenever Mandy and her stupid football player boyfriend stroll over to me. "Jamie, I hope you know that you just humiliated me and now my reputation is ruined! I won't be able to date Josh anymore because Mummy will be mad at me!"

Her red lips perk all mad at me. Her fake eyebrows mash together and she's standing there with her hand on her hip. I think about it and slurp in some spaghetti to be obnoxious. "Well, I don't care. Really, you can go burn in a dark hole with Mrs. Wilson for all I care. And oh yeah, Mummydoen't have to know about dating, Queen Suck-up."

"How rude! Who do you think your talking to?!"

"A bitch."

"I'm Mandy not, "Queen Suck-up or beoch!"

I start laughing. She won't even say bitch! Her face turns more and more red while I laugh at her from my seat. Josh kind of walks away, dragging his girlfriend -- x-girlfriend, sorry -- so she won't try to "ruin her reputation even more."

That laughing made me forget how pissed off I was at myself. I try to enjoy the rest of my spaghetti instead of slurping it at preps and then leave to go tell Evan at half-time that I can't make it. He understands, but doesn't like how stupid I was.

"Sorry!" I yell at him and take off again. But, I don't do it gracefully. I almost trip over GRASS. I'm soo uncoordinated, I want a refund! Stupid feet! After that I have more classes to live through. But last period, is really interesting.

"Tomorrow we will have a transfer student. He's coming from England after studying there for some years. Be nice to him, now that's the end of class. Have a good day tomorrow."

Everyone talks about the new student that'll come tomorrow while I am forced to go to detention where I see some of my detention buddies. "Hey, Jace, Connie," I yell coming in the room with the teacher gone as usual. I know she's off with the Principal in a room. Disgusting. Makes me freakin' shiver all the way to the black hole that's very tiny in my heart.

Connie smiles her black lips and she sits back in her seat with her boots on her desk. "So, what did you do this time?"

"Oh. I got my phone tooken by the Witch and I grabbed it back by accident (habit) and now I'm gonna be yelled at by Mom and Dad for missing Gramma's birthday party.

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