Chapter 28

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Anyone like the new cover?

It's been a few days. I've been avoided any texts from Zack or anything. He'll get tired of it hopefully. I get a text from Emily though.

Emily Wright: Go to facebook now! U were tagged in a video!

I don't reply back. I just get on now and she's right. The video shows me taking off the glasses and smashing them. My face looks so pissed off. My hat comes off revealing my blond hair and then I rub make-up all over Evan's shirt. It shows me yelling at Zack.

Ashton shows up on the screen. "So Cameron Sampson wasn't even real! That was Jamie Miller the whole time! She was pretending to be a guy! Hilarious!"

I look at comments that are making fun of me. I mark it as offensive and log off. Dad comes in. "You okay, Jamie?"


"Well, I was figuring you'd wanna go somewhere by now."

"I don't wanna go anywhere."

"Not even to see Emily?"


He sits down. "Somethings wrong. Jeremy's sad because he hasn't seen you in so long so what's wrong? I thought you wanted to go somewhere."

I sigh and look down. "It's nothing."

"No somethings bothering you!"

I roll my eyes. "Fine." I log back on and show him the video. I explain and the usual reaction comes. My dad laughs his ass off and my face turns pink in embarrassment.

"Jamie, I'm not surprised."


"I saw your pictures with the "Cameron Sampson" and it's obviously you. I'm your dad, duh."

Once again my face turns pink. "But Zack didn't even notice until that video. That's what really makes me mad."

Dad doesn't seem to care. "But he knows now, doesn't he? And I bet you he just wants an explaination for it."

"I gave him so many hints, got mad about it so many times, and then I just decided to play along even more and this is what happened in the end. It reminds me of karma or whatever they call it."

He does the talk to the hand. "Alright, Jamie. I want you to go somewhere so I'm gonna give you money to go see a movie with Jeremy or something."


"Get dressed and I'll call Rachel."

 I get up. "Actually, Dad, can I go do something?"


I slip on a pair of black shorts, a big checkered shirt that I tie to my size with a hairband, I slip on some converse, and then I put up my hair. I put my phone in my pocket and I grab my $50 I won a while back. Then I leave.

Right now it's . . . seven o'clock. I start reading the messages I got from Zack.

Zack Rider: Jamie wat does all this mean?

Zack Rider: Y won't u answer me?

Zack Rider: I'm not mad so plz answer me

Zack Rider: :( plz answer me Jamie

Zack Rider: Did something happen???

Zack Rider: Srry for yelling

He's really worried now that I look at it. I sigh and walk around this dark evening. Seems like I'm a target to many guys already.

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