Chapter 5

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What happened after Connie was tooken away by the police officer and what happenes when Jamie gets back to school?!?!?! O_O curious myself

Now I'm finally going back to school. I get up with a yawn and go get dressed. I don't have much to wear. It takes me just 10 minutes to decide. I finally decide on a red tank top, a pair of black capris, my red converse, a black necklace that says "fuck" and then I put up my short hair. I put a little makeup on and I'm ready.

I grab my bag and stare at the stairs. My enemy is taunting me. This time I just walk down them and I turn around. "Hahahahaha! I beat the stairs once again! Try again next time, my friend!" (To let you know, their not really my friend >_O)

Mom yells at me to shut up and eat my breakfast. I go in and I see pancakes. "Yummy!" I yell and sit down to eat them.

"Sheesh, you get excited over some food so easily!" Olive yells at me when she comes in and sees me eating it with a smile and a happy face.

"Baff (brat)!" I retort and swallow my food.

"Really, Jamie!" Mom says. "Your a girl! Learn some manners, please!"

I shrug and keep on eating. "Dad, can you walk Willow! Please! I'm gonna be late if I don't hurry!"

"Alright," he sighs and I give him a kiss on the cheek. There's a knock on the door so I go see who it is. "Careful Jamie!"

"Haha!" I yell and open it.

It's Jace.

"I'm picking up everyone so come on."

I spin around for Evan. "Riding with friends, sorry Evan!"

"Yeah! Less noise!"

"Shut up!" I yell and go out the door. I sit in the front of his car again and we pick up Zack who I decide to sit in the back with. "Morning."

He yawns a big yawn. "Yep. It is."

I laugh. "Nice one."

"Which part?"

I start laughing again. I give him a pat on the back. "Your a gut-buster, my friend."

"Friend? Hmm . . . " he mumbles. I act like I didn't hear it and notice he didn't stop for Emily or Gale.

"Why didn't you stop for Emily and Gale."

"They went to Gale's last night. Do I really need to explain that to you, Jamie?"

My eyes bug and I try not to laugh. I'm laughing alot today. That's really random. We stop by Connie's and I go knock on the door with Zack. Her mom answers the door. Her mom looks drunk again. "Hi, is Connie here?"

"No. She didn't come home last night. B-Bye."

She slams the door on us and I feel bad. Dammit, we got her in jail. "We should stop by the jail," we both say and then run to Jace. "Let's go by the jail!"

Jace agrees since Connie is his best friend. We drive all the way to jail and I know were late already. Jace pulls out a bunch of money and we go to the jail and Jace makes us stay in the car. 

"What do you think he's gonna do?" I ask Zack sitting back in the chair.

"I think he's gonna pay to get her out. He probably robbed someone last night to get money to get her out. Did you see how tired he looked?"

"No, but now that you mention it, he was acting odd. He's become such a criminal recently, though. I guess I can blame myself, though."

"Why would it be your fault?"

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