Chapter 23

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  • Dedicated to Michu Say Wut Rath

I think I like Jeremy. He's a cute kid! And sorry, I like arrogance -- Bunnie-sama

I play with him at the park. Jeremy is a cute kid. I take a few pictures with the kid and then after a few more hours, he goes home again. I go home and upload them to my facebook: My little cute step-brother Jeremy!

I get many likes then sigh. I want fall to come already so I can get on with my plan with Emily. Tonight were gonna go to a party at Gale's friends house then probably end up going home a little drunk. I probably won't but Gale and Emily will knowing them.

I look in my closet and decide to make Zack feel bad about himself (yes I'm a currl girl >:D) so I choose a black shirt that's all ripped up with a white tank top under it. I put on red short, shorts, some bracelets that match, my white and black converse, and red socks. I go put on makeup and make my hair up and messy. It looks really cool I think.

I go out the door (okay I sneak out) and see Emily's car parked, waiting. I get in and she looks really pretty with curly hair and a tight pair of blue jeans and a blue tank top. "Nice outfit, Jamie."


"What are you planning?"

"To make Mr. British feel sad he can't touch me. I'm pretty sure tonight is gonna be fun."

"Your so mean!"

I grin. "Yep. That's what he gets for all he's done."

"And what is that?"

"I already told you what's happened -- everything, so don't ask me."

She shrugs and the car goes down the dark street. Police are hot on teenage trails tonight I bet. I hope nothing will happen involving the authorities tonight. It pisses me off when it does because then I have to run and hide in a car. Annoys me when that happens. And since it's Gale's friend, the police will probably come.

 Fuck, I'm right. The party is large and even though it's at the edge of town, someone will probably call. But Emily and I get out of the car and go inside. Someone hands us a beer and I open it and take a good drink. Emily and I look around for the host, Gale and his friend whose name I don't know.

We find them and the host is already near drunk with the B.O.B playing loud. I roll my eyes and talk tot Emily. The host is fuckin' stupid and keeps trying to hit on me. "So do you wanna go upstairs or something?"

"No, leave me the fuck alone, weirdo."

"Your harsh, but really sexy looking, so why not?"

"Buzz off."

I drink some and someone puts their arm around me. I'm about to hit them and it's Zack. "Jesus! I almost hit you! Warning, Zack!"

He rolls his eyes. "Oh, shut up. you couldn't hurt me. Your too skinny and weak to hurt a guy."

"You wanna bet?"


"You give me $100 if I can hurt you."


He lets go and I grin. He really shouldn't have made this bet. And besides, he never said how or where, or when. I turn away from him and he looks confused. "Should I invite, Cameron?"

Emily grins knowing what I'm doing. "Yeah. I think he would like to come here and have some fun. Gale, should we invite him?"

(Gale found out about Cameron because of the plan.) "As long as he doesn't make the cops come, then who gives a fuck?"

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