Chapter 14

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  • Dedicated to Donald Cain

Dedicated to my boyfriend, Donald!

Very interesting that Jamie seems to not even notice how much she's liking Zack. He'll admit it and she won't. What a stubborn girl! (Don't let Bunnie-sama know I told u this but she's scared to death of thunderstorms >:D)


I wake up in a WTF mood. I feel like yesterday with yesterday with Zack was a dream. "What's wrong, Jamie?" Emily asks me while browsing through the clothes in my closet. I'm guessing she wants to borrow some. "Your up early."

"I feel like I didn't make-out with Zack, that I just had a very sexual dream."

"Well, it wasn't! Now get up and let's find something cool to wear to school today!"

She's very enthusiastic about clothes. I grin and it takes me ten minutes to decide on a blue checkered black see-through over a white tank-top. Then I get on some white shorts and blue flip-flops. I help Emily and get her a red summer dress that's allowed at school that I designed up with a bunch of stitches all over it.

We hurry to the bathroom and do our makeup, then I straighten my hair and put it back with a white and black headband. Emily curls her brown hair and I put it in pigtails, then we hurry to make pancakes since we woke up early. As I pass by Mark's room, I blush deeply. Emily seems to notice so she laughs at me.

"Shut up!" I mutter and we get out the mix. "I don't have a boyfriend to make-out with constantly."

"You have a boyfriend or is it a girl-friend? Really, Jamie, it's weird!"

"Grr. I'll throw egg at you."

She laughs at me and puts the mix in a bowl while I get the ingredients. I throw in the ingredients and Emily starts mixing. Then I start setting the table. "So what was it like for you?"

"What?" It takes me a second. "Oh!"


"I can't say I hated it. I really enjoyed it until he said it was awkward because he's Cameron's friend. That kind of ruined the entire thing."

She's quiet while mixing. "Jamie have you ever cheated on a guy? I've cheated on Gale once and he forgave me because I was stupid."

"No, I haven't. I'm being unfaithful to myself, though."

"Jamie, it's not often you hear someone say something like that," she giggles.

"I know! I'm sitting here hoping that a gay guy won't go 'oh! that's a girl!' when I'm somewhere as a guy!"

She starts laughing her ass off and I glare at her for laughing at me so intensely. But I gotta admit, that was something you never hear anybody say. "Go, walk, Willow! I'll be laughing! My! Ass off!"

I call for Willow but she seems to be upstairs. I look at the stairs and take off my flip-flops for safety. I go up them slowly and carefully. Cautiously. I get to the top, and bang! Willow crashes into me! I start falling and I hit the rail on a stair. "Ow fuck!"

Willow licks me and I pet her then crawl down the stairs with a head that hurts like fuck. I put the leash on Willow and take her out. I look at the sky and I see clouds in the distance. Joy. I'm not changing, though. I bet you by the looks of it, this storm will pass. I keep on walking Willow and she stops in the neighbors yard to say hello to the old lady, Margret.

"Hi, Margret."

"Oh! Hello, Jamie. How are you today?"

"I hit my head on a rail and it hurt! But my friend stayed over and it was fun!"

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