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Well this sucks, completely . . . but at the same time it rocks.

Today is the day I had my fuckin' baby and I was cursing Eve to her grave until my throat was dry. The nurses laughed at me but I would've too if it didn't hurt so much. Today is March 16, 2012. That's sad because only a year ago from today so many people died from Jace and Connie.

Connie hasn't been caught either yet. I hope the bitch gets what she deserves though.

Anyways, I had . . . a boy. I wanted to name him Nate Lee but Zack is really, really against it right now. "Well what do you think, Mr. British?"

He doesn't answer for a minute. The school has given me shit, everybody has. Nobody but my family and friends were supportive. I appreciate them because of that. "Bryan Lee?"

Dammit he's good. "Fine. My last name or yours?"

"Why not mine? Unless you plan on running off and marrying someone else someday then it would be easier."

I roll my eyes. "Bryan Rider then."

He grins like he likes it. After so much crap and hours, I finally get to see him. He was only 6 pounds and 10 ounces. He's still red and has dark hair all over his head. He's so tiny. Hard to believe this kid didn't make me gain any weight. Or maybe that's because he made me throw up almost every day!

He's so cute too. Well, Bryan is gonna probably be like Zack knowing my luck. Oh joy. Zack looks at me funny. "What's up with your face?"

"I hope he isn't as stupid as you."

"I'm the stupid one? Ha!"

"Are you insulting me?"


"Oh well. It's the truth."

Eventually Emily comes with my dad. They are the only ones who can get in right now because it's the middle of the day. Olive's at school and blah. But anyways, they look at him and are immediately obsessed. "What'd you name him?"

"Bryan Lee Rider."

"That's a good name. Let me guess. Zack came up with it," Emily says and I glare at her laughing face. "Can I hold him?'


They obsess over him and I feel happy. But I know it's gonna be so hard taking care of him and with school! Oh my god! This is gonna be a lot of trouble. Zack's offered to stay nights and help out so I'm gonna let him since he created the little thing.

After a few hours, so many people are here. Bryan is handed from person to person to person. It's a mess. I think he gets irritated with it so I take him back and don't let them have him. His eyes barely open a bit and I see blue. He's gonna be handsome (X3)

Finally the hospital takes him again and eventually everyone leaves but Zack of course. We talk for a while. "So you want me to stay over for a while?"


"Well I'm gonna go home for a while and get my stuff. I'll drop it off at your place and come back okay?"

He gets up and I grab his shirt. "No. If you leave, I will think and I don't wanna think. I'll worry about all this."

He takes my hand off and sets it down, softly. Then he leaves and I feel a little worried. I told him I would think and he didn't listen. I'm gonna be exhausted from waking up, diapers, bottles, homework, school, Jesus! I know Aunt Kathy and Dad are gonna help but still . . . This is gonna be harder than I might think.

I worry and then finally a doctor comes in with Bryan again. I look at him and he's awake completely like he's just got out of sleep almost. I hold him and talk to him for a bit. He makes those sounds most babies do and it's honestly so cute.

He's so fragile that I'm afraid and cautious while I hold him. One slip and he's gone. I love this kid even after all my misery and that's all I can feel. Love. I smile and say: "You're probably gonna have blue eyes and dirty blond hair. Hopefully you'll be smarter than your dumb parents, Bryan."

At home he screams and I rush for the kitchen for a bottle, but I end up slipping. I expected that. But anyways, I get up and grab the bottle. I test it on my arm and it's good. I run back into the living room and Aunt Kathy hands him to me.

"Be careful, Jamie. Stop being in such a hurry all the time. Relax."


I give him the bottle and he shuts up. The kid is giving me a headache but I guess this is my punishment for being a stupid blonde. And Zack's for not being safe like an idiot. Who doesn't be safe? Oh I know! They have the name of 'Zack' and 'Rider' well, Bryan's gonna be smart (hopefully.)

Zack comes downstairs yawning. He slept over and was up a lot of the night so I could sleep. We've had Bryan for a week now and I am not gonna neglect him or put my job away. We are sharing this duty! Anyways, Zack looks at Bryan and smiles.

Bryan's got a bunch of hair and blue eyes that'll probably only lighten. His hair is gonna lighten obviously and he's a tiny baby! So cute!


I keep fussing over him after a week. I need to get over myself and that I got a pretty baby.

Fuck this! I'm gonna have the time of my life and care for my baby! Also make sure to have time with Zack so he won't feel neglected and I won't feel over-worked! I'm a teenager, people! I have needs, too!

After he's done, he ends up falling asleep so I put him in his crib then go into my room with Zack. I sigh and plop down on my bed really exhausted. "Zack!" I whine. "This is hard and all your fault!"

He rolls his eyes. "I know and I also know your not mad."

"You can read me like a book."

I get on my computer and finally post a picture of Bryan. Bryan Lee Rider! A week old and completely cute X3

A lot of people like the picture and some say bad comments that I delete. I turn around and Zack is dozing off again. I feel a little irritated with that considering he just woke up so I jump on the bed and land hard. He's snapped back into reality immediately. "Jesus, Jamie!"

"You're funny, Zack. J and J? That's really funny."

"Haha I'm laughing, too," he says with sarcastic poison.

I flash a grin and change into some shorts, some random shirt, and put up my hair. While putting on some knee-socks, Zack comes back in from brushing his hair. "Cindy wants you."

I go into Cindy's room and she's listening to music as usual. She looks a little happy though. "What is it?"

She takes out the headphones so I'm wondering if she's gonna kill me or something. "Did you read the paper?"


She throws it at me and I read the front page in shock.


Last year on March 16th, 2011, Connie Williams and Jace June killed half the sophomores, 21 seniors, and some teachers. Jace June died of suicide while in jail while Connie Williams got away. Yesterday at noon, there was a phone call to go to the Medlin Farm outside of town and someone said Connie had come back and was sleeping in their barn.

Connie was captured in her sleep. She said she came back for one reason. To mourn Jace June. Although authorities are not sure if she's telling the truth, she's been sent off to the prison in Little Rock for now.

I don't read all of it because I'm not much for reading and then I put it down. Connie was alive and caught? Willow looks at me from where she is beside Cindy and I get up. I go in my room, throw the paper at Zack, and then go downstairs slowly.

I look down at Bryan who is sleeping soundly. I touch his soft cheek and then thank Jace.

Yes it's short but I don't have much time for this and I was just showing if they had a boy or girl and what happened to Connie.

The song is Far Away by Nickelback


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