Chapter 21

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Bannawilleaturfamily is having family troubles and can't write for a while with me, so I'm gonna write by myself for now. Let's all hope things will revolve with her family!!! -- Bunnie-sama

This is my last day here. It sucks because this place is starting to grow on me. Emily and Gale are fine now and as lovey-dovey as ever. Mark is hanging out with Kelly all the time and Zack is still the same.

"Please, Jamie," he begs.

I roll my eyes. "No."


"No, no, no. Does that answer your question?"

"Yes and no because I'm still gonna beg you til you do."

"Alright, I'll say it one more time! Do not ask me! I'm not your mother! Don't ask permission about things!"

Zack grins and takes some of my hair. "I'm warning you that I just had dinner."

"So did I, stupid."

He raise his eyebrows quickly to signal 'ok then smart-ass' and then presses his lips to mine. My heart takes off as usual and that's starting to become something I yearn for. The feeling of excitement. Like a drug I'm addicted to. Zack bites my lip and I want to yell 'fuck' but we go on. But not for long because Mark and Kelly come in. I hear a throat clear.

We stop and look at them. "Yes?" I ask.

"Well we wanted to tell you were gonna do fireworks, but it seems your way more busy."

My face turns red. Zack shrugs and backs away. I get up and we leave the livingroom. Down at the beach their lighting fireworks. Gale runs and the firework takes off into the sky where it explodes and makes a blue mark in the sky that's beautiful and lights up everything. I sit down in the sand beside Emily. "I'm gonna miss this."

"It was fun."


The guys light off a bunch of fireworks and us girls talk. "You like Mark?" I ask.

"Yeah," Kelly tells us proudly. "He's nice, cool, and likes a lot of things I do. . . . I also heard he's Jamie's cousin."

"It's cool."


"No problem."

"But were not like Jamie or Zack yet. Not even near Emily and Gale!"

"Where are you then?"

"He's tooken me places and kissed me. That's it. I like a slow relationship though. It's nice to let time go at it's own fuckin' pace."

I give her a high-five and watch the fireworks. Then Emily goes inside with Kelly to get the drinks and some snacks. I wait and they come back. We set up a place to sit and watch the rest of the fireworks. Their all beautiful and amazing. Kelly sighs. "Well it sucks that I'm not gonna see you guys again until maybe next summer or vacation."

" . . . Your a good friend. Don't worry, I don't think that we'll forget about you in such a short amout of time."


I stand up. "Alright! I'm tell them to hurry their asses over here or were gonna eat without them."


I run over and jump on Mark. "Hey! Come on!"

"Hey! Get off me!"

I jump off. "Alright, you guys need to hurry up or we aren't gonna give you anything!" They sigh and come with me. "Good boys!" They glare at me and we start eating.

"Why did you have to jump on my back?"

"That was the best place! If you didn't want me to jump on your back, I could've just pushed you into the sea, so Mark, please shut the fuck up."

He sighs at me knowing that I did give him the best choice. I take a good drink of my kool-aid. "Hey, Emily, do you think that anything happened while we were gone?" Zack asks her.

"Probably. And knowing our luck, it's something bad or something bad will happen when we get back. You know in those movies where the people from the trip come back and the town is horrible with terrible things going around."

"Like Connie?"

We all stare at him except Kelly who doesn't understand. "Who's Connie?" she asks us.

"The girl who raped my x-boyfriend and forced him to do a school shooting with her after getting him all drugged up. It was completely horrible."

She seems to regret it. "I heard about that . . . "

I don't like this atmosphere. I take in a big breath. "Alright! Fuck Connie! Fuck her! Don't let her ruin our time!"


I give Mark a high-five for agreeing. We start talking about random things to get our minds off of Connie. But that's something I'll never forget even if I try to. . . . Well shit! I told myself to think of other things and hear I am thinking about it again. Stupid me! Stupid, stupid, stupid! I pinch my leg and yell an 'ow' then they look at me like I'm stupid as usual.


"Why did you yell ow?"

"I pinched myself."


"I'm a stupid person! I have to change my mind!"

"Alright, psycho."

I punch Mark's arm. "Jerk!"

"Hey, you yell at the stairs at home."

"They're out to get me! I swear they just wanna break my neck! And that's why someday they will burn in hell!"

 We laugh and then the night drags on.

Just a page (I think) of them on their last day just hanging out for minute. Nothing special . . . until the next chapter >:D

The video is E.T. by Katy Perry and Kanye West

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