Chapter 9

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Sorry about Chapter 8 >_< It refused to save past that part and I couldn't do anythin about it!

Once we get home Mom stops the car like she's about to say something serious. "Jamie,  I'm really worried about your mental health. Keeping things in is only going to hurt you in the end. I really wish you would tell me things more often so I wouldn't have to worry about you as much."

"So this is about you?"

"No. Stop using that tone with me! I'm just trying to be a good mother to you and you refuse to allow me to be one. If you would try to get along with me I would get along with you."

"Mom, everything I do tell you, you get all mad about and then nag me about! I'm a teenager and we don't tell our parents things because they get so mad at us! Were teenagers, yes! Were not all trouble makers with sexual problems and mental problems! For me as an example: I'm not troubled about anything but my own personal business that nobody should pry into like Peter!"

She looks all sad but lets me out of the car. I slam the door and she takes off. I go up stairs and then open my door to a surprise.


"Why are you here? It's Sunday and almost night already."

"Mom and Dad are fighting again so I came over here to stay for the night. Your dad says it's okay, so whats up?"

Her parents again huh . . . I give her a hug and then we make some popcorn and sit down to talk while watching some movies. She tells me things that are going on at her house and that her parents will probably divorce soon. She hates the thought of it but hopes they do because it's becoming too much for everyone. Her little brother Eric cries from the yelling and her little sister Tyra is so sad that everything is going so terrible.

I listen in silence because what am I gonna say? My parents are fine but they aren't as close as they used to be. They seem really bored now and my mom's always showing up late on the week-end. She says she's going to her friends but I'm actually not sure where she's going. Where can a woman her age go anyways?

After that we dress up in different clothes, makeup, and everything and take fun pictures together and we have fun. We prank call some people too. Mom gets home around midnight and forces us to go to bed.



"Thanks for being there for me and listening. I've got so much off my chest now I feel light."

I smile and go to sleep beside my friend.

The alarm is ringing and ringing and ringing. "Oh shut the fuck up!" I yell and hit it. I sit up and Emily gets up from my yelling. We look at the time. "Shit!" I yell and we get up. I throw on a black tank-top, black mini-skirt, black leather leggings, and some converse then hurry to the bathroom where I put on a little make-up and put my hair up.

Emily runs back in the room and grabs our bags while I slowly walk down the stairs. I get to the bottom flawlessly. "Ha! Beat that, stairs!"

"This is no time to be yelling at inanimate objects!" Emily scolds instead of Mom and we go into the kitchen and grab some toast. We butter it and take no time to sit down and enjoy it but to hurry out to Evan's car that's about to leave.

Olive makes fun of us. "Haha! You two snore like lions!"

"And my favorite meal is little olive's!" I yell and give Olive a noogie. She struggles under my grip and I laugh at her until Evan gives me a glare for being so loud. I let go and we let Olive go first then he takes us to school.

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