Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to Summer Bradley

New chapter that's just for fun right now >:D Please don't comment on who I made Cameron look like. He was the closest to Jamie I could get. I don't even like him either >:X

Zack and I talk on facebook for a while and then I talk as Cameron. I talk to Zack as Cameron and I blow it once again. He asks about when I'm coming to school next week! Shit, shit, shit! I totally forgot!

 I groan and can't think of what to tell him. Um . . . it takes me around five minutes to decide what I'll tell him and I finally decide.

Cameron Sampson: I have to sign up again after missing so much. I hadn't even gone yet so . . . Mom might just homeskool me. IDK

Zack Rider: Well then can we hangout tomorrow?


Cameron Sampson: Why?

Zack Rider: Well I'm gonna have friends over to hangout come on over at 405 Reine Street

Cameron Sampson: Sure . . .

Zack Rider: Cool

Shit! If he's hanging out with people it'll be guys and I can't stand being around a bunch of guys! But I already told him . . . I groan and Evan comes in. I turn off my screen. "Jesus!" he yells at my secretive mood. "Jeez I won't tell anyone if your selling drugs or something."

I sigh. I can tell Evan . . . I break and do tell him. Seriously, he laughs his ass off. He laughs, and laughs, and laughs until I smack his head. "It's not funny! This is my friend! I don't want to lie to him even as a girl or boy!"

Evan finally stops laughing after that. "Alright, I can show you how to act like a guy and all that crap, but you have to promise me you won't take advantage of being around a bunch of guys."

"I'm not a slut, Evan."

He chuckles and drags me into his room. He pretty much shows me how he acts around his friends. I decide the easy way is to act like myself, only don't giggle or use certain words. "Also, try a guy voice."

I try and he laughs until he almost pees his pants again. But after that he helps me without laughing (which was hard for him). "Your a meanie, but thanks!" I yell at him and go out the door and stop at the stairs. I slowly go down them and into the kitchen where I get a juicebox and watch iCarly with Olive for a while.

Eventually I get mad at Olive who keeps poking my juicebox and I squirt her with it then run up the stairs that I slip on and grab the rail so I won't fall on my face or something. I go into my room and pet Willow while my locked door is banged on by my furious little sister. She finally gives up and I go back to petting Willow. I smirk at her giving up then I play music for a while.

I wake up and Zack says to meet him at noon. I groan. I have a few hours to get ready. I have to hide my chest so I really have to try. I finally succeed with one of Evan's shirts and a jacket over it. Then I get on baggy pants with a pair of boxers underneath. After that I slip on my only pair of skater shoes. I hide my hair with a beanie and do my makeup and then put on the glasses.

I practice my voice for a while. I want to do this to get my mind off of Connie and Jace. Yeah I was a little hurt since I did like Jace at one point in my life. Willow seems to wonder what I'm up to but like I care. Mom and Dad would be furious if they knew I am crossdressing, so I am forced to jump out my window. It's hard with baggy pants.

I know Reine Street since I've already been to his place. I walk how Evan told me and I make sure to act how he told me. Like I don't give a shit -- my usual self! I stare at some girls like I'm told to and then I keep on going. Nobody seems to suspect me so I'm good right now. The only thing is I hope he doesn't notice me. The makeup is barely noticable and it's still good!

When I look at the road, I take a deep breath. Don't screw up! You'll ruin everything if you screw up! Alrightly! I start walking down the street and I see other guys walking towards his house. He's got quite a few friends. I can see quite a few douche bags, jerks, and trouble makers. A grin spreads across my face. This is gonna be fun.

I stop grinning and start walking towards his house that's kind of large. I knock and someone opens. It's Zack. "Your . . . Cameron?"


"Cool. Finally seeing ya is cool. Go into the livingroom."


I walk a little odd because of the "knee-surgery". I go into the livingroom and shit, my day begins.

A short chapter since I want to think of what to make "Cameron" do there and what will happen there . . . :l

The video is Without Me by Eminem

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