Chapter 18

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Well I wonder what happened after that (I write this story on a whim)

I wake up feeling fuckin' retarded. You wonder why? Because I cried then went home and passed out. I really feel like a huge fuckin' retard! I pull my hair and change into some house pants, a tank top, and some socks then go down the hallway to the stairs.

Oh shit.

I look at them wondering what I'm gonna do. I have on socks and they look like they just got cleaned. Well, I'm out of luck. When I was little, I would slide down the bar stupidly. I would break the bar with my weight now. I stare at the stairs and then decide to go down them slowly. Slowly! I don't wanna fall and feel like even more of a fuckin' idiot.

The stairs are practically booing me when I make it to the bottom without slipping. "Ha! Ha! Stairs! You lose, I win!" I turn to go into the kitchen and look at Cindy. She's just staring at me with her usual expression. She looks at the stairs, then me again. She walks off. "Oh shut up, Cindy!" I yell at her knowing what she meant.

I go into the kitchen and slip on the slippery tiles. Well, this prooves that I got karma for yelling at the stairs and this day is gonna suck. I stand up slowly and Aunt Kathy helps me onto the couch while my head is spinning.

Olive is chuckling evilly at me while eating her cereal and watching Fairly Oddparents. I glare at her and she stops chuckling and starts stuffing herself to get away from my glare. I smirk and sit back on the couch. Then Mark comes in and messes up my hair in a sneak attack. "Hey!" I yell at him and pout.

He laughs at me. "Where'd you go last night?"

"Zack took me to the gas station to get some chips and fill up his tank since I wanted to go home. Then we went somewhere amazing. It's a secret. But it was so beautiful! I didn't even know it was there! And then I came home and passed out."

He starts laughing his ass off at me. "And you really don't think he was trying to impress you with the place or something?" he muffles out.

I roll my eyes. "I know that. He's a lucky bastard that I didn't yell at him for trying to impress me with an amazing view of the stars and moon."

Mark laughs for another minute and then the day drags on.

I think about visiting Zack as Cameron but I'm still a little pissed off and in this weather, I can't get away with wearing a hat usually. I sigh and plop down on the bed wanting to cool off. I get a text from Emily.

 Emily Wright: Wats up?

Jamie Miller: Nuthin'

Emily Wright: >:D

Jamie Miller: O_O ? ? ? ? ? ?

Emily Wright: I'll b over in 5 mins!!!!!!XD!!!!!!

Jamie Miller: Y????

Emily Wright: Shush!

I wait and she does come. "Right at the five minute mark!" I yell at her and give her a high-five. "So what is it already?!"

She closes the door. "Alright, my uncle says we can go use his beach house for a week or so!"

I give her a high-ten and we jump around like stupid idiots. "So when are we going?"

"Well, tomorrow if you can get ready and convince your dad. If Cindy or Mark wanna come, they can come."

"Who all are coming?"

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