Chapter 26

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  • Dedicated to Kimberlie Marie

We'll find out  what's wrong with Jamie ^_^

I come out of the doctors office, my face looks stupid. Emily jumps up and so does Evan I just walk past them and they follow me. "Well, I'm coming back in a few weeks, come on," I tell them not wanting to talk about it.

Evan starts drives me home. "What's wrong?"

"Wait. I don't wanna go home. Drop me off at Zack's house."


"You can take Emily home or something. I'm gonna be a while."

"Alright then . . . "

 We stop at Zack's and I get out feeling pissed off now. I go to the door. His mom answers. "Ah, hello. Are you Zack's friend?"

"Is he here?" I ask angrily.

She seems to notice. "ZACK! A GIRL'S HERE FOR YOU!"

He runs down the stairs with a grin and I keep a blank expression. I don't wait. I run over and slap him. He doesn't expect that. I grab his shirt. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yell.

"What are you doing to my son?"

I let go. "Sorry, mom. I think we have something to talk about. We'll go to my room." He drags me by my hand to his room and shuts the door. "What did you slap me in front of my mother for?"

I feel so pissed I'm crying. "Because your a fuckin' idiot."


"Zack Eric Rider! I have to go to the doctor in a few weeks to get a fuckin' pregnancy test! Why didn't you play safe?!"

I wipe my eyes and feel angry at this mother fucker. He kind of just sits there for a minute. Then he gets up and puts his arms around me and his chin on my head while I cry, angrily at him. "Sorry."

"Your such a stupid fuckin' idiot."

"I'm sorry."

"Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid," I mumble over and over while I hide my face in his shirt. "Now I'm regretting it even more than before. I should've said no."

He seems offended. "Why are you regretting it?"

"I told you, you ruined my plan and now this. It's not like it wasn't enjoyable, but pregnancy risk!"

"Abortion?" he suggests.

I punch his stomach. "Stupid! I can't bear of thinking of ending someone's life!"

"Oh yeah . . . "

"I hate you."


"Because I love you."

He seems to be getting many shocks today. "You do?"

"Shut up!"


We sit like this and then hurry up and let go when his mom is about to come in. She glares at me for a second and then gives us some punch. She calls him out and then after a while he comes back in. "What's wrong?"

"She wanted to know why you slapped me and were so angry."

"What you tell her?"

"Your sorry it was because I punched your boyfriend -- x-boyfriend now -- and wanted revenge."

I sigh and rub my eyes. I drink some of the punch to feel better. "This sucks. If I am, which I bet, I'll probably puke every fuckin' day!"

He pats my back and lets me lean on him. "This may be the wrong time, but if you are, your not gonna get an abortion, so what would you name it if it was a boy or girl?"

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