Chapter 22

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Bannawilleaturfamily is having a hard time and moving out of her house at 13, so let's hope her parents won't make it hard for her or make her stay cuz she needs to move--Bunnie-sama

I get out of Emily's car and go to my house. I open the door with Mark behind me and Willow fuckin' jumps on me! I laugh and pet her. She's so excited to see me! That just makes me smile large and like that I came home. Olive surprisingly gives me a hug and so does Evan. Dad gives me a hug then Cindy gives Mark a quick hug.

Mark and I are crushed by Aunt Kathy before we throw our clothes into the laundry and then I go back to the bathroom and put some things away. After that I go in my room and start putting some things away. Willow follows me with a big grin on her face. I scratch her head and relax on my bed with her. She's so cute!

It's nice to be home and that place was growing on me before. I'll miss the memories there but I think I like being home in my own bed again. I decide to get on facebook and write: Home! nothing like it!

Then I log onto Cameron's and quickly write: :) Yeah she's home

I quickly get off and get out my camera and upload all the pictures I took to my facebook. Then I get a picture of Cameron and me and make them look like I'm with him somewhere, and upload that. It looks believable and that makes me grin. I'm glad that soon this will all be over. Good thing because I was getting sick of all the shit. And I don't care if he'll hate me in the end.

Zack comments on the photo of me and Cameron.

Zack Rider: When the hell was that taken?

Jamie Miller: :P U don't need to know

Zack Rider: Ur so complicated :P

Jamie Miller: Right back at cha

Zack Rider: yeah yeah

I get off that photo and many people like it then I go to my page and look at my relationship status. I go to his (my) page and I feel like a liar again. Then I go to youtube and throw on some Latin music as usual and relax on my bed while listening to Shakira "She Wolf" which is a good song.

Dad comes in. "So how was your vacation?"

"Good. We had fun and did fireworks, Emily surfed, went shopping and stargazed, swimming of course, and we even explored a cave just a little."

Dad grins. "Sounds like you had a lot of fun. I missed you, Jamie."

"Missed you too."

I give him another hug and he leaves the room. I like that he won't sit there, he will just leave knowing when he should or shouldn't. I lay down on my bed again and pet Willow who refuses to leave my room right now. She really, really missed me I guess. I snuggle up beside my dog and pet her until I end up passing out.

Emily and I lay out in the sun at the park. "This is nice," I tell her.


We sit there until a kid comes over. "What y-you doing?"

"Letting the sun give us Vitamin D."

He sits down. "W-Why?"

"To help our skin."


He's little and very cute. I sit up. "What's up?"

"I was p-playing with my friends at the playgro-ound, but they s-said t-that I am annaoying."

He has a problem with stuttering and now that I look at him, he's got a google eye. "Well, do you want to sit with us?"

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