Chapter 27

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Well nothing comes free in this world -- Bunnie-sama

The doctor says I am. Now I'm grounded to my room for two weeks and they talked to me so much. My dad's only mad because he knows I'm gonna go through a bunch of shit. I shrug that all off. Like I fuckin' care what everybody is gonna say or think.

I relax in my room and watch some movies. Cindy comes in and I'm surprised. She sits down in a chair and doesn't say anything. So I don't say anything. She just sits there watching the movie and it's kind of weird to see her here. She's so anti-social and now she's suddenly deciding to come in my room and sit here? She's never been in here before!

Cindy is just sitting there throughout the movie. Finally she says something. I haven't heard her talk but a few times. She's got a pretty voice. "Stupid girl."


"We're both stupid. This happened to me and I was wrong. I never told my mother though. I wasn't positive. A close-call. Stop thinking so hard and that everybody will trash talk you or any of that shit. I'm leaving."

She gets up and I stop her. "Wait. Why tell me?"

"Because your stupid."

My mouth pops open and she leaves. "Asshole!" I yell at her but feel grateful that she actually talked to me and very amazed she told me a secret. "But your a nice asshole."

As the month passes by, I'm not allowed to see my friends or Zack. It sucks. Cindy will come in my room sometimes and watch a movie. Mark will play games with me and talk to me. Evan is getting ready for college; he wants to be a doctor. Even Olive will make me chase her around the house by stealing my crap.

I fell down the stairs though.

I spin around remembering the other day. "Stupid stairs! Your gonna burn someday!" I turn around and slip on the bleach covered floor. I hold my face that smells like bleach and floortiles. I growl at the stairs and go into Mark's room. "What's up?"

"Nothing. I heard your yelling at the stairs for the third time today."

"They will burn!"

"I understand okay?"

"You should! Their evil and mean!"

He laughs at me. "Alright, alright. So I heard you haven't gotten sick today."

"I know! I hate getting used to puking and crap like that! I hate it so much that I just wanna -- ugh! Do you know what it feels like?"

"No . . . "

I babble on about how I hate it and he just laughs at me while I talk. After we talk for an hour I go back to my room and get a text message from Emily.

Emily Wright: missin ya!!!!

Jamie Miller: me 2! So bored! I don't have anyone but Mark, Cindy, and Evan! all boring now!

Emily Wright: DX

Jamie Miller: I will be free eventually!

Emily Wright: hopefully! u'll get fuckin' cabin fever in there!

Jamie Miller: :(

Emily Wright: i know

Jamie Miller: hows Z??

Emily Wright: grounded to his house 2

Jamie Miller: y???

Emily Wright: same reason u r

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