Chapter 13

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Yes I know Jamie does something some people wouldn't attempt to do. But this is based off something true. A counselor that did do that by placing candy on a table and taking pictures when the girls would bend or something like that.

Aunt Kathy drives Olive and me home. My cousin Cindy is listening to her ipod and keeping to herself as usual. Aunt Kathy is telling me about how excited she is that she's gonna live with us. I don't really feel like talking right now either. But we did go shopping and it was fun. I got a bunch of clothes, accessories, and other things to replace some of my old ones. (Did I mention she's rich?)

Once we get home I get out of the car. "Bye, bye, Aunt Kathy!" I walk to the house and when I'm inside, stare at the stairs. I have a lot of bags and their practically laughing at me. Olive goes up them easily, but that's easy for her. Not me on the other hand. I keep on staring at them and then I just attempt to go up them.

I go up them slowly and really, it's a challenge for me, especially in the heels I'm in today. I almost trip but I make it. Evan sighs and takes the bags from me. I hold onto the bar while going up the rest of them. "Yeah!" I yell at the top and jump around for a minute. "I made it to the top without falling! In heels! The first time ever!"

"With help," Evan mutters; he sets the bags down.

"Hey, I heard that!"

"BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!" he yells covering his ears and going into his room.

I glare at him and pick up the bags. I go into my room and choose what I don't want anymore and throw it on the bed then put the new things way. Next I go and get some scissors, needles, tape measures, and a few rods of thread then start making new clothes out of my old. I have to say they look good and I like them, too.

I get out my camera and start taking pictures of me in new clothes, designed clothes, and all I want. I also got a dress to the dance because I needed it. It's a black dress that's tight all the way to around the middle of my thighs. At the top where it begins, it's a white stripe, and at the bottom it's also a white stripe. My shoes  are just my converse and the best part about the dress is, it's got no straps. I like it.

I put the dress away then upload all those pictures into a new album. After that I go to Cameron and post: Sucks. Won't b able 2 take Jamie 2 the dance :l

I grin and then get off before anyone comments and I answer.

School. School. School! GOD I HATE SCHOOL! WHOEVER CAME UP WITH THE IDEA OF SCHOOL NEEDS TO BURN IN A DARK HOLE! Once said by my best friend, Emily.

Emily's parents finally got divorced and she's living with her mom. She seems happier now that their apart. Her mom's not fighting and paying attention to her now, she's doing better in school so she likes it better. I feel happy for my bestest friend in the world!

I meet her at the school and give her a hug. We go to class and Mr. Howard is in his usual grumpy mood. Zack passes me a note.

You wanna go to the dance with me?

Ha! As if. I would've gone with Cameron but he's gotta go to the doctor that day

Then you aren't going?

Oh hell ya I"m going! Got a dress and everything ready, I'm just going without a date

That seems really sad but I'll be open at the dance too

Don't refuse because I turned you down

Don't worry about me, JAMIE

What do you mean by "JAMIE"???O_O

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