Fix the heart - Seventeen.

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Aubrey's POV
I was literally heartbroken. I liked Taylor and yeah. You've heard the story before. I just lay in my bed crying.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" My nan asks.

"You never told me Taylor had a girlfriend."

"I never knew. Wait did you like him?"

"That doesn't matter nan. I'm over it okay." She sighs.

"That's okay. You know what you've got to do though right?" I shake my head. "Make him like you more than he likes his girlfriend. Make him jealous if you have to." I sit up.

"Isn't that mean though. What if he actually loves her?"

"You can break a few rules. One of my friends has a grandson just about your age and I definitely know he's single. Don't worry he's cute as well." I laugh and hug her.

"You're the best grandmother ever." She laughs.

"Tomorrow night I'll get them to come over for dinner so you can meet him alright?" I nod and smile like crazy. She leaves the room and I just look up at the ceiling smiling like an idiot for no apparent reason.

Next Night.

Dinner party tonight. I'm so nervous. What if he's to cute? What if nan was lying and he's not even cute. I'll still look my best for him.

I change into a nice white dress and begin my make up. It's only light and then I added a small wing for the eyeliner. I wear flats with little black bow things on the tops of them. I looked pretty good.

"Aubrey could you come and help prepare the meal please?" My nan shouts. I quickly fix my hair and run downstairs. "You look lovely honey." I smile and help her.

The doorbell rings and my nan starts panicking.

"Okay just decorate the plates and then put them up the table." I nod and add the coriander to the sides of the fish. I made them look pretty good. I take my apron off and put the plates up the table while my grandad puts everything else up.

"Welcome, welcome." I hear my nan say. I stand by my seat and wait for them. An old couple come in dressed nicely. A young man walks in behind him. He's got goldish brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. He was fairly tall and looked strong as well.

"This is my granddaughter Aubrey. She's staying with us for the holidays." The old couple nod.

"This is our grandson Tyson he's visiting from England." He walks up and shakes my hand. He looks at me the whole time.

"Let's eat. We've been preparing for ages."

"And I'm starving." The grandparents sit. Tyson's paired together and mine at one end of the table. I guess I'm next to Tyson. We sit down and begun eating. The grandparents have their small conversation while Tyson and I kind of just sit together.

"Hey." He whispers to me.


"Um you've got a little something there." He points to his chin and I wipe my mouth with a napkin. "You missed it. Here." He grabs my napkin and wipes where whatever it was. When he's done he just looks at me and smiles. Someone clears their throat and we look up. Everyone's looking at us and my nans smiling like crazy.

This will be easier than I thought.

Four Love Stories. |Cameron Dallas, Nash Grier, Matthew Espinosa, Taylor Caniff|Where stories live. Discover now