Mission Accomplished - Twenty Five.

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Aubrey's POV
It's the day for mission Clara. I dressed up a little even though we were just going to the park. Tyson pulled up eventually and we left.

"I'm nervous Bree what if this doesn't work?" I giggle.

"Don't worry it will, trust me." He nods and we get into the parking lot of the park. I see Taylor's car as well. What's he doing here?

"Okay let's do this. You ready 'girlfriend'?" I laugh and nod. We get out and he instantly takes my hand as we walk to the swings. I sit down and he starts pushing me.  "This is what cute couples do right?"

"I don't know but I'm enjoying this." We start laughing as he keeps pushing me.

We ended up being more of little kids than a couple. We went down the slides and climbed all over the play equipment. We forgot all about mission Clara.

"Hey look there she is." Maybe not. I see him pointing to a couple holding each other on the grass.

"Holy guacamole."


"She's with Taylor." I say. I knew Taylor anywhere. He's always the one wearing his bandanas. It makes him hot though.

"Okay let's get a better look then." I nod and we walk up to a tree which is kind of behind them.

"I bet you pizza for lunch that I could beta you to the top without falling." He gives me a challenging look and then agrees. We start to climb and of course I won. "You owe me pizza." I sing he rolls his eyes. I sit on a branch and look below us. Taylor and Clara are moving away.

"Shoot. I thought we would get somewhere." I hear a small snap. I shake it off and Tyson begins to climb towards me. There was another snap.

"Tyson stop moving." He stops and the branch I'm sitting on goes down a little.

"Okay Aubrey move towards me and I'll catch you." I nod and move towards him. To late. The branch snaps off and I fall to the ground. I didn't hurt myself!! ACCOMPLISHMENT. I stand up but then fall back down again as something falls on top of me.

"Ouch really Tyson?" He starts laughing and turns himself over so when's facing me.

"You're squishy when I landed on you."

"Your weird." I look at him. I've never actually noticed how perfect he looked. His eyes, his lips, his little dimples. No I can't fall for Tyson, I like Taylor.

"Tyson? What are you doing with that girl?" We look up and see Clara and Taylor. They both look angry.

"Um I fell out of the tree and onto her." Yeah while I was doing my victory dance.

"It doesn't look like it."

"The branch is literally right there. How can you not believe it?"

"Anything could've happened. I don't know if you did that, if it already happened, if someone else did that at the right timing for you two to make up a lie but I don't like it. I liked it better when Tyson was always with me and I wish me he never even met you. I hate you and I don't even know your name. You took him away from me." Clara yells at me.

"She took him away from you? I thought you were with me. Clara?" Taylor says sadly. I can tell he's both heartbroken and angry.

"I'm sorry Taylor I never really liked you. I was kind of using you to get Tyson jealous." I start giggling. "What's so funny?" I grab Tyson and push him towards Clara.

"He likes you to. He's been trying to get you jealous." They both blush. They have their little conversation while I listen to it but notice Taylor missing. I walk around to try and find him.

"Hey what's up?" I say after I find him. He's sitting on the swings. He didn't say anything. "I'm sorry about the whole Clara thing. I didn't mean for her to actually go with Tyson." Actually I did.

"It's cool. She was a bit to clingy anyways. I didn't like her that much." He looks down.

"We're you trying to make me jealous Caniff?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Your to smart for me." I laugh.

"Well if you must know, I was to." He looks at me. We just stare at each other for ages and then he finally says something.

"Can I kiss you?" I bite my lip and shrug my shoulders.

"Can you?" He smiles and starts to lean in. I get tired of waiting for his lips on mine so I jolt forward and feel his warm lips on mine.

We go home after a little more play time on the playground cause I was still being a little kid. We went back to my grandparents house because on w again they had to go to the community centre for something. I run upstairs with Taylor so we can watch some movies.

"Which one?" I put up a few movies.

"Pitch Perfect." I nod and put it in. I jump on my bed and lay next to Taylor. About half way through the movie he starts to talk to me.

"Hey Aubrey."


"Are you awake? Like fully awake."

"Yeah why?"

"I wanted to know if you would want to be my girlfriend. I could get use to doing this with you and I would love to wake up to your beautiful face every morning and seeing it before I go to sleep." I giggle.

"I will be your girlfriend Caniff." He laughs and then kisses me. I could get use to this as well.

Four Love Stories. |Cameron Dallas, Nash Grier, Matthew Espinosa, Taylor Caniff|Where stories live. Discover now