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"You are wrong," I shook my head, the smile on my face starting to pain my cheeks. Jake and I were in his Range Rover the next day, on our way to Stonehenge. It was a two-hour drive, so we were talking about random topics to fill the time. My phone was playing All Time Low through the stereo, but neither of us were actually paying attention to the music.

"Why?" Jake smiled, his notorious small smile that he only showed occasionally. Lately, he was always giving me his small smile and the rare chuckle under his breath. I didn't know why, but I really enjoyed that I could make him smile and laugh. It was like he didn't do it often enough, so getting him to smile or laugh was an achievement in my books.

I raked my brain, trying to remember what I'd claimed he was wrong about. I remembered what he'd said immediately and rolled my eyes. Jake had raised the topic of who would win in a fight, it was between Edward Cullen and Spider-Man. To my horror, Jake backed Edward Cullen and I refused to understand why, he was just wrong on every level.

"Spider-Man doesn't sparkle, that's why," I laughed, enjoying the way his smile inched closer and closer to a normal smile. He was gorgeous, I definitely couldn't deny that.

"But Spider-Man would never be able to catch Edward, he's like the fastest of all the vampires," Jake pointed out; I couldn't help but laugh harder at him.

"I don't know if I should be freaked out that you know that," I smiled, wondering if that was Jake's secret love. Maybe he had all the books and read Twilight just to get to sleep. That would be priceless.

"I enjoy myself some Twilight now and then," he laughed, making my whole body break out in goose bumps. It was the best sound in the whole world. I wanted bottles and bottles of his laughter.

"So you're a closet fan then?" I asked, still recovering from the sound of his laughter. It made me feel things in places it definitely shouldn't have. How pathetic of me. I was contracting feelings for a guy who was adored by the whole female population. Not to mention the fact that he was definitely in a relationship with an incredibly beautiful movie star. I was far out of my depth.

"I have seen the movies, they really aren't that great are they?" he crinkled up his nose and smiled, before looking over to me. I looked back at his perfect face, my eyes resting on his gorgeous mouth. His lips were slightly parted, showing a small sliver of his teeth through his smiling mouth. I sighed, before looking up into his eyes. I could drown in his eyes, they were so perfectly perfect that nothing came even close to them.

I was definitely crossing the line into becoming seriously pathetic. It was horrible, and there was nothing at all that I could do to stop it.

What made it worse was the fact that he was my boss now. I was yet to sign a contract as Bill was getting it drawn up, but I was definitely a Limitless employee. I was totally screwed.

"I read the books," I shrugged, remembering that he'd asked me a question. My happy mood was gone, he sensed that and his beautiful small smile slipped from his face. He pressed his lips together tightly, serious Jake was back and in full force. "Movies are never as good as the books, so I don't usually bother," I added, knowing that there was nothing I could do to salvage our conversation.

Jake made no attempt to continue the conversation, obviously put off by the way I'd looked at him. If only I wasn't such an open book, my emotions displayed on my face like news broadcast.

I leaned my head against the leather headrest, looking out at the gloomy day. We drove past farm lands, rolling green hills and large trees that lined the roads. It would have been so beautiful, had it been sunny. Instead it was melancholy and miserable, but I kind of also found that to be visually stunning as well.

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