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I rolled over some time later, searching the bed for Jake in my tired state. I opened my eyes when my hands came up short of anything besides sheets. The mattress was empty next to me, sun streaming in through my window. I wondered what time of day it was and a quick check of my phone told me that it was midday; the next day. I frowned at my phone and the no reception symbol at the top, I was going to have to get Jake to fix that.

I looked over to his pillow, wondering where the hell he was, and found a small piece of paper. It was ripped into the shape of a rectangle and I wondered where he'd even found paper in my apartment, let alone a pen.

Getting lunch. Be back soon. Was all the small note read. No 'xoxo' or anything of warmth, just a brief explanation on where he was. I frowned at the note, before putting it back down and getting out of my bed. I dressed in a pair of my favourite white high waisted shorts, pairing it with a floral bralet. I tried to forget the note – not read into it – whilst I headed out into the main part of my apartment.

Everything looked the exact same and I was still completely stunned that Jake had actually continued to rent this place. A flash of green caught my eyes, drawing my attention to my home phone in the kitchen. I walked over to it, noticing the number two flashing on my answering machine. I played the messages out loud, finding one was from a girl I used to work with asking me to hang out and another from my mother asking me to call her back.

I entered my parents home phone number in effortlessly, remembering my childhood number like it was the back of my hand. My mother picked up after two rings, sounding tired and worn out.

"Hello?" she asked, slightly sighing the word.

"Hey mum," I said, feeling a knot form in my stomach. The last time I'd talked to her had been pretty bad, and I hadn't talked to her since. I was sure I would be in for it.

"You're calling me off your home phone. Does that mean-" she started to ask, sounding way too hopeful.

"Jake and I came back for a little bit, but then I'm heading back to Europe mum," I explained, feeling annoyed that she was so happy by the thought of me at home. Like I'd finally come to my senses and realised that I was being insane. That wasn't ever going to happen.

"What happened?" she asked, immediately presuming the worst. I wondered if she'd seen me all through the media and already knew the answer to her question, most likely not. Neither of my parents really cared about that kind of stuff, they kept to themselves and did their own thing.

"People found out where Jake lived," I gave her the short version, knowing that she wouldn't understand.

She was quite for several moments, proving that she couldn't quite comprehend my answer. She let out a small sigh and I wondered whether it was an annoyed on or a tired sigh. I couldn't quite tell over the phone.

"How long are you home?" she asked, emphasising the word home like it was where I should be staying. I ignored it.

"A week or so," I replied, remembering Bill's exact words. I was cautious of my mother, knowing that she had an anterior motive to asking that question.

"So you will be able to come to dinner then. Your father and I want to met the boy who is taking our daughter to the other side of the globe," she said sternly, like I had no say in the matter at all. I wanted to correct her, let her know that Jake was no boy at all but actually a man. But I also knew when to choose my battles, and I was more annoyed by the thought of dinner with my parents.

"Mum –" I started to protest.

"I'll see you tonight Matilda. You know when dinner is served," she added before the line went dead. I glared at the phone as I put it back on the receiver.

Take The Chance (A Limitless Novel) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now