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We stepped off the plane the next day in England time, two days later in Australian time. To say that our body clocks were fried, well it was an understatement. I'd thought going from Australia to England had been bad, well this felt a lot worse.

We made it through the airport without anyone noticing us. We didn't have to stop to get luggage because we had carry on, so I put it down to no one having enough time to actually see us. Jake had assured me that I would be able to access my summer wardrobe at home, so I hadn't had to pack anything at all.

We jumped into a cab and Jake whispered the address to a cab driver, obviously wanting to surprise me. I was too tired to beg him to tell me where we were going, so I instead leaned against him in the backseat and closed my eyes.

After only fifteen minutes, the cab came to a halt and Jake moved from underneath me. I sat up and looked around at where we were, already recognising the familiar buildings. I looked over to Jake accusingly; he only smiled and pulled me out of the cab.

We walked into the small ally behind the shops, before I pulled out my keys and opened the thick metal door. I was reminded of the first time Jake and I had walked up these stairs together. It felt like a whole other lifetime ago, not a few weeks ago.

"I thought you said everything would go into storage," I accused as we ascended the stairs and came to my large, red, metal door. I looked over to Jake as I slipped the key into the door and unlocked it. Unlike the last time we had been here, I at least had my keys on me this time.

"I liked it too much," Jake shrugged, before I rolled the door to the right and found my apartment was exactly how I'd left it. Messy, cluttered, pictures everywhere and my furniture all in the right place. It hadn't been touched and I'd never been happier to see it.

"I think I like you too much," I smiled at Jake, before acting like a kid in a candy store and tearing through my apartment. I moved around, touching everything and looking at all my photos, before I looked over to Jake. He was smiling at me, enjoying the way I was running around excitedly. I was suddenly wide awake and full of feelings for the man in my doorway.

He'd been paying for my rent behind my back, making sure everything stayed the way it had been before he'd crashed into my life. If that didn't show me how much he cared, I didn't know what would.

"What do you say about being the first guy in my bed?" I asked, my lips turning up in a smile. Jake raised his eyebrows and stepped into the apartment.

"I thought you'd never ask," he grinned, rolling the door shut. He moved towards me and I jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist as my mouth covered his. My hands were instantly in is hair as his cupped my but, my tongue moving against his.

Jake lowered us onto my bed that was on the floor, I hadn't even been paying attention to us moving. We were suddenly taking our clothes off speedily, too tired to undress each other. I just needed Jake's skin against mine and I needed it now. We went back to kissing when there was nothing separating either of us, his fingers finding my core and making me moan into his mouth. My hips raised to his fingers, needing and wanting more.

"No foreplay," I said into his mouth, before I found his tongue again. I knew I didn't need it; just kissing Jake made me wet enough for him to be inside me. Foreplay was a gift, one that Jake had, but I was too tired and desperate for it now.

Jake did as he was told and pulled away to search his jean pockets for a condom. He pulled one out of his wallet and tore the wrapper with his teeth, before rolling it onto his length. His mouth found mine again as we resumed our earlier position. One of his hands gripped my hip, the other guiding his penis inside of me. I freed my mouth of his and moaned as he entered me, the feeling stirring everything inside of me. He kissed my neck as he pushed deeper inside of me, my hips bucking towards his; begging for more. He groaned as my hips came up to reach his, pushing him all the way inside of me.

I looked up at him, finding his eyes fixed to my face and watching me. He didn't make any move to kiss me and nor did I to kiss him. He pulled back slowly before carefully pushing himself back inside of me, making me moan. There was something that only Jake managed to hit inside of me, turning me into a complete mess.

His eyes stayed glued to mine as he continued to slowly thrust in and out of me, both of us moaning and groaning. I could feel the pressure slowly building inside of me, the want and need for him to go faster. I raised my hips to meet him at each thrust, the momentum building up between the two of us. Soon enough we had picked up the pace and my vision blurred. I grabbed hold of my sheets as I came hard, everything inside of me screaming. Jake thrust into me hard and fast, a groan escaping his lips as he came as well.

My eyes un-blurred and I looked up to Jake, his mouth finding mine immediately. Covering me with kisses as he slipped out of me and rolled onto his side, pulling me with him. He stopped kissing me, moving away slightly to deal with the condom. He got up from the bed, his glorious but on show as he left my room. I crawled under the covers as the toilet flushed. Jake was back in the room and crawling under the covers instantly, pulling me towards him. Hot skin pressed against hot skin and made everything inside of me sing. I loved this part of being with Jake, being so close to him in every way possible.

"I don't think I ever want to leave this bed," I whispered, my hands running through his soft hair as he traced patterns across my bare back.

"It's a deal," Jake smiled and I gave him a weak smile. I was way too tired to look so happy, even if I was completely glowing on the inside. "I've never felt like this, I've never wanted to be around someone so much," Jake murmured as I struggled to keep my eyes open.

It was everything I'd ever wanted to hear from him and there I was, falling asleep on him. I was so romantic.

"I think I love you," I mumbled, unable to keepmy eyes open at all. Before I realised what I'd said or what Jake was saying, Iwas completely asleep.    

Take The Chance (A Limitless Novel) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now