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"I have a band meeting today, but I was thinking you could tag along," Jake said as he scooped a sugar into his cup of coffee. He looked up at me from the other side of the dinning room table, waiting for me to respond.

I looked down at my toast, the tiniest bit of vegemite spread across it and looking rather sad. Jake hadn't had anything in his cupboards or fridge; it was amazing that I'd found a loaf of frozen bread in his freezer.

"You wouldn't have to come to the meeting. It's in London, so you could get some photos of the buildings near Caleb's place. There's this one house, a couple of houses down from his apartment that is pretty nice. Would come out looking good in a photo," Jake went on, before he took a sip of his coffee and set it down again. I enjoyed the way he tried to convince me to do things with him, it was entertaining. He made it out to be no big deal, whilst putting on a voice that sounded slightly excited but mostly bored. He was so strange.

"It's definitely not leave-the-house weather out there," I smiled, nodding my head towards the large windows that looked out towards the beach. It was heavily raining outside, the sky a deep grey that left everything out there looking gloomy.

It may have been toasty warm in here, but the thermostat definitely lied because it looked beyond freezing out there.

"This is probably the best weather we are going to get for the next month. Might even get some snow," Jake replied, the edges of his mouth twitching like he wanted to smile but just couldn't. That was definitely starting to annoy me.

"I don't think I'll get any good photos today," I sighed, looking back down at my uneaten piece of toast.

"Why don't you just come and see? We could go further into London after and go on the Eye?" he offered, appealing to the tourist inside of me. I didn't know why he wanted me to come, but it was nice that he was trying so hard.

"Alright," I nodded my head, before taking a couple of bites out of my piece of toast.

I was still in a crappy mood from my call with my parents the night before, I just hoped that Jake didn't piece that together. I was sure he had an idea on my relationship with my parents, just no one knew how bad it had gotten in the past two years.

Both of us headed upstairs after breakfast, I needed a shower badly and Jake said something about needing to grab something from his room. He'd already been showered and was dressed when I'd come down stairs to grab something to eat. He was wearing black skinny jeans with a thick dark blue woollen jumper. I loved the jumper on him as soon as I'd seen it, something about a guy wearing a knitted jumper made my knees week. The blue in his jumper brought out his eyes, if it was even possible for his blue eyes to be bluer.

I showered quickly in my bathroom and dried my hair, before changing into a pair of blue jeans and a plain white t-shirt, before I searched around in my suitcase for my leather jacket and grey beanie.

I stepped out of my bedroom, slipping my beanie on as I did so. Jake was waiting outside my door for me, he watched me as I pulled the beanie on.

"From girly summer dresses to leather jackets," he remarked, raising his eyebrows at me with a faint smile on his lips. I didn't need him to tell me I was strange, I already knew that.

I really wasn't the girly type; I loved my band shirts more than I liked my summer dresses. However, in the summer a dress was essential to comfort.

"I'm a riddle," I shrugged, following him down the stairs.

"Most women are," he pointed out, holding the front door open for me.

I stood in the cover of the porch as I waited for him to lock the house up. He turned around and pointed to the driveway, were a sleek black range rover sat.

Take The Chance (A Limitless Novel) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now