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I walked down the short red carpet that had been set up, fans and journalists on either side trying to get close to the band any other celebrity that was coming. Caleb and Dean followed behind me, stopping to take photos and sign things for fans. The three of us stood in front of the screen next to the door of the gallery, all of the sponsors names on the screen. We posed for the professional photographer, before walking into the large gallery.

The gallery was one story, with high vaulted ceilings, white walls, dark wood floors and partitioned walls throughout the large hall like room. Fairy lights were hanging from the vaulted ceiling, making the room have this romantic light to it. My pictures were displayed up on the walls, Jake everywhere with a couple of photos of Dean and Caleb, along with all of the photos I'd taken on my adventures with Jake.

"This looks great," Caleb said behind me, bringing me back down to earth.

I couldn't believe it, my first exhibit was freaking amazing. Exactly how I could have dreamed it to be. Lily's were all around the room; the sent of the pretty white flower making the room smell absolutely amazing.

"There she is," a random guy in a corduroy suit grinned, pulling me into a tight hug. He smelt of cigars and old books, but in a good way. "Matilda, I have people who want to meet you," this guy smiled as he let me go of his bone crushing hug. His voice and presence was comforting, like a warm fire. It was so strange.

"I'll have to steal this beauty away from you two," he winked at Dean and Caleb, who laughed.

"Go for it," Caleb smiled, as the random guy put my arm through his and pulled me through the crowd.

"I'm Steve Vincent, this is my art gallery and I'm in love with your work," he rambled as I was pulled through the crowd of people gathering around my artworks.

"Thank you," I said, as we stopped in front of the bar where there were a couple of round tables set up.

"Tanya insisted that you did the interviews first up, so you could enjoy the rest of your night," he said, pulling a chair out at one of the tables and encouraging me to sit down.

Before I knew what was happening, Steve was gone and I was sitting all alone at one of the tables. That was until a young girl approached the table.

"Matilda Greene?" she asked, studying my face.

"Yes," I nodded my head, wondering if Steve had told her to come over to interview me.

"I'm Danielle from SugarScape, and online blog. Do you mind if I sit?" she asked, gesturing to the open table.

"Go ahead," I smiled, trying not to show that I was completely nervous.

"I just have some questions for my article," she smiled, pulling out a pen and paper along with her phone on a voice recording app. I definitely had to be careful of what I said if she was recording me word for word.

"So, I'll start of easy, how did you come to be the photographer for Limitless?" she asked. I wondered what Tanya would have wanted me to say, obviously that I had to leave out Jake questioning whether he wanted to even be in the band. Other then that, the way I'd come into this job was innocent.

"I went to school with the band, so when I ran into Jake on his break in Melbourne he offered me the job. I was having a rough time with my current employment and he offered to help me out," I explained, patting myself on the back because of how professional I sounded.

"What was it like going to school with the boys?" she asked.

"We ran in different friendship groups, so we were friendly but I didn't really know them that well. I've always been proud of how far they have come though," I replied, knowing that Tanya would be happy with that answer.

Take The Chance (A Limitless Novel) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now