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"Now repeat it to me," Tanya said from behind me, her eyes staring at me so intensely through the mirror that I had to look away when I replied.

"Don't swear, no talking about the band's every day life, no answering questions about Tom and focus on myself as a photographer," I recited exactly what she had just said, before looking back at her. She seemed worried but I couldn't quite understand why.

"Lay off her Tanya, you've been drilling the poor thing for an hour," Gabby, the band's make-up artist stood up to Tanya.

"And you have been making it hard for me to do her hair," Carlisle, the band's hair stylist pointed out and Tanya moved out of his way so he could fix the side of my head.

I was sitting in the middle of Dean and Caleb's lounge room, where a team of assistants had pushed the couches against the wall and set up mirrors and chairs so Dean, Caleb and I could get our hair and make-up done for the exhibitions opening night. I didn't really know why everyone had made such a big fuss, but I definitely enjoyed being pampered. Gabby had just finished doing my makeup, which had remained as natural as I could possibly talk her into, before starting to paint my nails white as Carlisle began to do my hair. Tanya had shown up halfway through my make up and had been drilling me on the dos and don'ts of being out in the public eye; I was starting to get annoyed with her being around.

"Dean and I will be there with her, we will make sure everything goes smoothly," Caleb grinned, leaning over and poking his head into our conversation.

"Like that's going to put her at ease," Gabby snorted, and I couldn't help but laugh with her.

"Yeah, I'm sorry Caleb but that doesn't really help. You always make a scene at these things," Tanya pointed out and everyone laughed.

"Whatever," Caleb grumbled, disappearing again so he could get his hair done.

Everyone went back to what they were doing, Carlisle running a brush and straightener through my blonde hair whilst Gabby painted my nails.

"I guess you'll be fine," Tanya sighed, sitting down next to me on a fold out chair. I looked over to her with raised eyebrows, wondering why she was doubting me so much. I remembered the last photographer for the boys and knew why, she'd been fired because of Tom. So my only guess was that she'd been wrapped up in this whole drug stuff. Tanya had every right to worry that I would be the same, even though I'd never done drugs in my life.

"I prepped Jackson this morning and he was understanding and agreed to look after you, so I shouldn't worry too much," Tanya smiled at me. She stood up from the seat and left the room, leaving me in shock before I could even ask her what Jake had said.

I slouched in the seat once she was gone and stared at my reflection, noticing how well Gabby had managed to cover the bags under my eyes. I looked great, but I definitely didn't feel anything near great.

"What's the frown for?" Gabby asked, dragging my attention away from my face and to hers. "You don't like the make-up?" she questioned, squinting her eyes like she was praying I wouldn't say yes.

"No that's great," I replied, watching the relief wash over her face. I could just imagine how many annoying stars she had to put make-up on, she was probably used to diva's making her do their make up more than once. I wasn't like that though, I could see how well Gabby had done my make-up and I also didn't have enough time to complain. The car would be here in an hour to pick Caleb, Dean and I up; and I still wasn't even in my dress.

"Is it Jackson?" gabby asked, bringing me back into the present. I felt my eyes widen, wondering what she knew about Jake and I.

"What?" I breathed, completely stunned that she could possibly know anything. No one knew about Jake and I, sure Caleb and Dean had their suspicions but other then that there was no one.

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