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"He didn't say that," Caleb scoffed, not believing me. "Jakey boy, tell me you didn't call her father a miserable asshole," Caleb grinned, finding it all very hilarious.

We were all sitting in Jake's lounge room a week later, exchanging presents for Christmas. It felt strange not sharing Christmas with my parents, but I knew these boys were the closest I'd come to family in seven years.

"It wasn't my best moment," Jake winced, perching himself on the armrest of the couch. My hand instantly on his knee and letting him know that I didn't blame him for what he'd said to my father. I'd told him at the time, and every time he'd brought it up after seeing my parents, that I was grateful to him for standing up for me. So my parents hadn't talked to me in a week and I was fairly sure I wasn't winning the daughter of the year award. I didn't care, because it wasn't like they were the parents of the year either.

"If you were trying to impress them, then your plan backfired," Dean pointed out as he took a swig of his beer, a ghost of a smile on his lips.

"I can't even impress them," I scoffed and Jake smiled at me. It was the truth though, as much as it hurt.

"Tilly, open my present!" Caleb exclaimed, jumping up from the floor. He leaned over the couch and produced a medium sixed present, wrapped in small Christmas tree wrapping paper.

"You really didn't have to," I laughed, accepting the present. Caleb rolled his eyes and waited for me to rip it open. I smiled at him and began the painful process of trying to unwrap the present. Caleb hadn't made it easy on my either, it seemed that he'd used the worlds supply of sticky tape on the damn thing.

"Did you use enough sticky tape?" Thomas snickered from next to me, causing Caleb to frown slightly.

I finally broke through the wrapping paper and found that Caleb had brought me some ear muffs. Some heavy duty ear muff. Huh, weird present.

"Because you're coming on tour with us, the screaming can get pretty loud some times," Caleb explained, obviously noticing the baffled look on my face.

"These are definitely going to come in handy then," I laughed, looking back at the box.

"I could have used them this past week," Thomas grumbled and I knew it was because of Jake and i.

We definitely never tried to be quiet when we were making love, which had made it uncomfortable for Thomas to live with us. I think it was one of the major reasons why he moved in with Dean and Caleb yesterday.

"I have a present for you," Jake said, a large smile on his face as we all looked to him.

"That's no fair, you are trying to upstage me," Caleb whined like a child, and I laughed at him.

"Of course I am, she is my girlfriend," Jake laughed at Caleb and I felt a thrill race through me because Jake had called me his girlfriend. It never ceased to amaze me that I'd managed to land him. The lead singer for Limitless, the biggest band in the world. I was beyond lucky.

"Come on," Jake chuckled, taking my hand and lifting me up off the couch. I frowned at him as he pulled me towards the front door, confused on what he could have possibly brought me.

"Jake –" I started.

"It's outside," he explained, already knowing what my question would be.

I felt the other three boys behind me, curious as to what Jake had brought me as well. Jake held the door open for me and gave me an encouraging smile, I stepped onto the porch and noticed the white Range Rover sitting in the driveway behind Jake's. A large red ribbon was tied around it, completely cliché but absolutely adorable.

I turned around to Jake with wide eyes, completely stunned that he'd brought me a car. He said he would, but I didn't think he meant literally.

"Merry Christmas," he grinned, holding the keys out to me.

I let out a squeal and jumped on him, kissing every inch of his face before finishing with his lips. I jumped down and took the keys, before running to my new car.

"I love you!" I yelled over my shoulder, excitement coursing through me. I pulled the door open and jumped into my brand new car, finding that it was the opposite of Jake's. White on the outside with black leather detailing on the inside. I was in love. With the car and Jake.

"So that's how you do it, you just buy a chick a car and she automatically loves you?" Caleb's voice reached me from the car and I laughed at him, too thrilled to even care.

"Damn, I need a girlfriend," Thomas's voice came next and I couldn't help but look over to them at that comment.

Thomas, with a girlfriend? That was about aslikely as pigs flying.    

Take The Chance (A Limitless Novel) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now