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I woke to the feeling of soft kisses along my jawline and down my neck, waking up the horny part of me immediately but the other part of me refused to open my eyes. I sighed happily at the feeling of the kisses turning into light sucking on my neck, causing a small chuckle next to me. My eyes opened instantly, remembering everything that had happened before I'd fallen asleep.

I found myself staring into Jake's bright blue eyes, an adorable gleam in them that I'd never seen before. I felt my core whimper at the sight of him, remembering all the things he'd done to me hours earlier.

"Hello sleeping beauty," Jake smiled. I knew I was never going to get over how perfect his smile was, how much happiness it brought me to know that I caused it.

"What's the time?" I grumbled, burying my head in his naked chest and wrapping my - already intertwined - legs around him tighter. I closed my eyes, knowing I'd found my happy place. Here, with Jake, completely naked. I was beyond blissful.

"We slept for two hours," Jake laughed and I sat up so I could look at his face. Two hours wasn't too bad, but I'd never felt as well rested as I did now.

"I'm sleeping with you all the time," I yawned, before falling into the pillow next to him.

"I hope so," Jake agreed. Of course he'd thought I meant sex, which I definitely did mean, but I also meant just normal sleeping.

"I meant sleep," I corrected, laughing at the frown that crossed his face. "That was the most refreshing sleep I've ever had."

"That's because I fucked your brains out before hand," Jake grinned, absolutely one hundred per cent proud of himself. I loved this playful side of Jake; it was much better than the emotionless side of him. I couldn't stand it when he looked void; any other emotion was better than that.

"We didn't 'fuck', we made love," I corrected him, unable to contain the smile on my face.

"Did we?" he asked, sounding like he needed confirmation.

"It was in the missionary position, so I think so," I replied, patting him on the shoulder as I laughed.

"That's very true," he nodded his head, trying not to smile at me. "How very unoriginal of us," he grinned and I enjoyed this banter. I'd never thought Jake was the kind of guy who liked to tease, but I was definitely enjoying this new discovery.

I shrugged, yawning once more as I stretched out every muscle in my body. I felt like I'd just done a complete body work out, and in some ways I had.

"Come on," Jake said, suddenly jumping up from the bed and pulling on my leg. He dragged me down the bed, making me laugh, before throwing me over his shoulder. Our naked bodies pressing against each other, his hot soft skin making my lower stomach tense up in ways that made me crazy.

"What are we doing?" I laughed as he kicked open his ensuite door and set me down in the large bathroom. It was the only room of the house that I'd never been in, and I found it looked exactly the same as my bathroom.

"We are going to be original," he grinned, before turning the shower on and pulling me in with him. I wrapped myself up in him, my lips finding his as the water pounded down against our skin.

I lost myself in him. Even after we both stumbled out of the shower into his bedroom, I couldn't quiet remember who I was. We may have made love hours earlier, but we'd definitely fucked in the very best way possible in the shower. I had to give Jake some credit, when he said he was going to be original he was definitely original.

We dressed, occasionally stopping what we were doing into order to wrap ourselves up in each other and make out. Each time I was left feeling hazy and wobbly on my legs, he affected me in ways I'd never even thought possible. I pulled my undies on and found a holey band top in one of his drawers. I didn't bother with pants and Jake didn't bother with a top, both of us finding each other when we were done so we could kiss some more.

Take The Chance (A Limitless Novel) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now