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I woke up the next morning, promising myself that I'd never drink again. No matter how many times I promised myself that, it never seemed to stop me from drinking though.

After stepping back into the party last night, I'd walked straight into the lounge and picked up an expensive bottle of scotch. I then made my way up to my room, drank the whole bottle whilst listening to the party outside my door slowly die down, before I'd fallen asleep.

This morning, the scotch definitely didn't seem like one of my greatest ideas. The headache in the back of my eyes proving my point further.

I groaned as I pulled myself up from my bed, looking at the time and finding that it was already midday. I wondered why Jake hadn't woken me; surely he had something on the agenda for us today.

I yawned, walking across my room and pulling the door open. I walked out into the hallway, before descending the staircase and heading into the empty lounge room. I stood frozen for a second, absolutely amazed at how clean the room was. It was almost as if there hadn't been a party. Yet I knew there had, my headache was definitely proof of that.

I walked through the house and into the kitchen, amazed at how incredibly clean the house was. There was no way Jake could have cleaned the house so well, and if he had then he was my hero. The state of the house, when I'd snuck up to my room, last night was atrocious. I'd been planning on waking up to the mess, but there was nothing.

I put the kettle on the stove, flicking the radio on the window seal on as I searched for some tea in Jake's pantry. I hummed along to the end of a song by some female pop star, once you heard one the lyrics were pretty universal to all of them. It was about a guy walking out on her, and how she was better off just being herself anyway. I wondered if she'd even written the lyrics.

"That was 'No Man' by Astrid," the radio host announced at the end of the song, right as I found the tea. "That song is currently sitting at number three on the countdown. Stick around to find out who is holding number one for the third week in a row."

I rolled my eyes at how hyper he sounded; surely he didn't get that pumped about who had the best song in the mainstream world. I lifted the kettle off the stove as it started to make the hissing noise, letting it sit for a second whilst I searched for the sugar.

"I have a question for all you fans of Limitless," at the mention of the bands name I nearly tripped over on my way to the pantry. I turned back around, heading for the radio to turn it up. "Does anyone know why the Europe tour was pushed back? Are they too 'rock star' to show up to things on time?"

I scoffed. This guy was actually a complete idiot, I decided in that moment.

"I want to hear thoughts, opinions and theories. Hit me up on 18 82-" I turned the radio off. I didn't really want to hear it anyway.

I went into the pantry, found the sugar and made myself a cup of tea. Once I was done, I walked back through the house clutching the mug tightly. A quick glance out the window told me it was a sunny day for the first time all week. Yet I was still cold.

I knocked twice on the closed studio door, hoping that Jake was inside. The thought occurred to me that he might have gone out, I just hoped it wasn't true.

The door opened, Jake stared back at me for a couple of seconds. I watched as the cold hard look on his face slowly melted away. Leaving a slight crinkle in his forehead, his lips slightly open and an odd look in his eyes. It was strange, because even with all those differences in his facial expressions, he still looked completely blank.

Take The Chance (A Limitless Novel) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now