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I awoke the next morning to a loud thump, a couple of muffled voices following the sound. I sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and wondering what the time was. I rolled over and looked at the time on my phone, finding that it was only just after nine in the morning. I lied back in bed, staring at the ceiling as I woke up a bit more. The more I woke up the more I remembered everything, about me resigning and about Jake telling me he didn't want me around. It was too early in the morning to be put into a bad mood, especially when I felt like I could take the world on with the amount of energy I had. I was finally getting used to the time zone, and now I would be leaving it.

I shooed my thoughts away, they were unwelcome on this perfectly fine morning. I pushed the covers back and headed to the chest of draws, quickly dressing into the first things my hands touched.

I pulled the bedroom door open to find a pretty young girl standing over one of the many boxes in the hallway. She looked over to me as she pushed her red hair out of her face, her green eyes searching my face. She was young, no older than eighteen.

"Sorry," she grimaced, almost like she'd been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. "Lottie said I was under strict orders to not wake you," the girl frowned, looking down to her feet guiltily. I didn't care, all I cared about was the fact that she'd just mentioned Lottie.

"That's fine," I shook my head, unaffected by her waking me up. I'd definitely slept long enough. "Where's Lottie?" I asked.

"Just in the kitchen," the girl nodded her head down the hallway. I nodded my head, unsure as to where the kitchen was.

I climbed over a couple of boxes before navigating my way down the hallway. There was no doorways until the end of the hallway, which opened up unto a large open plan living area. Lottie sat at a large, white marble, island counter writing something down on papers.

"I didn't know you would be here," I said, walking around the island and looking down at what Lottie was doing. She looked up to me, her eyebrows raising at my entrance.

"I still work for the band technically," Lottie rolled her eyes, putting the end of her pen into her mouth and narrowing her eyes at me. "I didn't know you would be here."

"Touché," I nodded my head, wondering if Lottie had run into Dean.

"Their management called me this morning and said the boys wanted me to supervise the unpacking of their stuff," Lottie motioned to the spacious large room around us. It was then that I realised it was completely box free, with a large couch and TV taking up one end of the room, a dining room in the middle and then a large white kitchen opposite. There were artworks on the walls, plants around the room and other random bits and bobs here and there. The room looked lived in, but I knew better than that. "At first I was worried Dean would be here, but when I got here everything was locked up," Lottie continued, pulling me back into the present. "It's a good thing I know Dean because he left a spare key in the exact same place that he leaves his apartment key," she rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, there was a note with the key in Dean's writing and all it said was "Don't wake Matilda". I was confused, but knew you were obviously in the house, so I made sure Tracy knew not to wake you," Lottie finished, her eyes looking over me.

"Thanks," I said, trying my best to smile at her but the previous days events made it hard. I couldn't stop myself from feeling a mix of emotions, stupid, annoyed, upset, the list goes on. It seemed I could focus on other things but those feelings were still there haunting me, I couldn't escape.

"Why are you here?" Lottie asked, getting straight to the point like she always did. I didn't know how to reply though, I wasn't sure if I was completely honest or if I blurred the truth a little.

Take The Chance (A Limitless Novel) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now