Chapter 2

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Maxie wakes up the next morning and immediately realizes that she has a killer headache. Maxie looks around at her surrounding and notices that she doesn't recognize where she is at. Maxie looks down and notices that there is a large muscular arm wrapped around her. She looks to the body right next to her and realizes that it is the guy from the bar last night. Maxie glances down and notices that she is naked.

"Oh my god. What the hell did I do last night?" Maxie says out loud.

Maxie gently removes Nathan arm from around her waist and gets up from the bed and gets dressed. Just as Maxie finds her left shoe she notices that Nathan is waking up.

"Oh great just what I need." Maxie says.

Nathan wakes up and looks up at Maxie and smiles.

"Hey good morning." Nathan says.

Maxie looks at him and fakes a smile.

"Nathan what did we do last night?"

"Well Maxie we both were feeling bad about the past year we had so we decided to numb the pain last night together."

Maxie then feels a pounding in her head.

"Oh I think I had way too much to drink last night."

Nathan gets up out of bed and throws on some sweatpants and walks over to Maxie.

"Maxie I know that we didn't meet under the best circumstances but I had a really great time with you last night. It felt good to talk to someone who actually understood just what I was going through."

Maxie looks at Nathan and couldn't help but get lost in his deep blue eyes.

"Nathan I really appreciate all that you have done for me but this can't happen again. I have made a royal mess of my life and you seem like a really nice guy and I don't want to drag you into my mess. You deserve someone so much better than me."

"Maxie you keep saying that you have made your life a mess well I don't know if you noticed from our conversation last night, but my life is a mess right now too. Maybe we could help each other."

"Yes, Nathan but I have so much to deal with right now starting with telling my best friend that I have destroyed all of her hopes and dreams."

Nathan looks at Maxie shocked.

"Wow you must have done something really bad to have destroyed all of your friend's hopes and dreams."

Maxie begins to laugh.

"Oh you don't even know the half of it."

Maxie then looks at Nathan and says, "I should probably get going before people start looking for me."

Nathan stand up and says, "Well can I at least give you a ride somewhere?"

"No Nathan I can manage but thank you so much for listening to me and for helping me forget the pain if only for a little bit and thanks a lot for last night I really enjoyed myself."

Maxie grabs her purse and jacket and begins to walk out of the door.

Nathan then says, "Maxie wait!!"

Nathan walks up to Maxie and pulls her into a passionate kiss that makes Maxie weak in the knees.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to kiss those lips one last time before you leave and if you need anything just call me at any time." Nathan says as he gives Maxie his card and she gladly takes it.

"Thank you Nathan but I think I will be just fine." Maxie says as she leaves.

Maxie calls a cab to take her back to the bar so she can go pick up her car.

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