Chapter 25

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It has been a couple of days since Nathan left Maxie and she was really starting to miss his presence around the apartment. Maxie had tried calling Nathan every day since he left but she sadly couldn't get him to answer the phone.

Dante and Lulu had been over a couple of times to check up on Maxie but the one person she wanted to see and talk to just wasn't answering her phone calls. Maxie was really starting to feel guilty about letting Dante and Lulu fall in love with her daughter especially since they had found out that Lulu was having a boy. Dante and Lulu were so excited for both of these babies and they were making all these plans and the guilt was really starting to get to Maxie.

Maxie is in the living room of her apartment and she picks up a picture of her and Nathan off the table and says, "Nathan I miss you so much there has got to be a way for me to make things right between us. I love you so much I can't believe that I have messed things up between us so badly... actually I can because that is what I do best is royally screw things up."

Maxie then looks at the picture of her and Georgie and says, "Georgie I know that I told you that I would try to make things right but I just can't do it. This whole situation has taken on a life of its own. I know Nathan wants me to tell the truth so that we can raise this little girl together but I just can't break Dante and Lulu's hearts."

"I just wish Nathan would talk to me he always knows how to help me make the right decision." Maxie says.

Maxie feels the baby kick and she places her hand on her stomach.

"I know little girl you miss your daddy well trust me I miss him too. Don't worry baby I am going to make things right between us again."

Maxie sits on the couch and then picks up her phone to try to call Nathan again.

As the phone starts ringing Maxie says, "Come on Nathan pick up I just need to hear your voice."

Maxie was about to hang up when all of a sudden she hears Nathan's voice say, "Hello."

Maxie takes a deep breath and says, "Nathan, I'm so glad you answered I miss you so much."

"Maxie I miss you too. So what made you call?" Nathan says.

"Well Nathan I was thinking a lot about you and our situation and I just wanted to talk to you about it." Maxie says.

"Alright well have you finally decided to tell the truth to our friends like you should have done the moment you found out that you were pregnant with my child?"

"Nathan the situation is very complicated. Dante and Lulu have fallen in love with this little girl and they are making all of these plans for our little girl and their son and it's just hard for me to tell them the truth."

"So instead of telling the truth you want me to just come back to Port Charles and pretend that everything is just fine. Maxie there is no way I can just sit around and watch Dante and Lulu raise my daughter knowing that she is part of me and that I can't claim her as my own." Nathan says.

"Nathan we could always have more children later when we are ready. We could let Dante and Lulu raise this child and then we could have another baby later."

"Maxie do you actually hear yourself right now? Even if I did go along with this crazy plan it wouldn't change the fact that this little girl is our child and we are going to feel a connection with her. I know that you already love this baby Maxie and it is going to be hard for you to just give her up. I know I felt a connection to her before I even knew that she was my daughter. Maxie I am not about to let Dante and Lulu raise my child. You need to tell them the truth or I will it is time for us to be adults here and take responsibility for our daughter. Now Maxie if you need help telling them the truth I can help you I can fly back there and we will sit Dante and Lulu down and tell them the truth but they deserve to know." Nathan says.

"I want to tell the truth Nathan but what if our bad news hurts Lulu or her baby. It was a miracle for Lulu to even get pregnant. I don't want to be the cause of her losing two babies. I would never forgive myself if us telling them the truth causes Lulu to lose her baby and then we walk off with our baby that would crush Lulu." Maxie says.

"Alright Maxie you have a point there but what are we supposed to do now? We can't wait until she gives birth because by that time our daughter would already be living with them. We definitely need to figure something out because you are due before Lulu is and she needs to know the truth before you give birth without putting her or their baby at risk." Nathan says.

Nathan then says, "Maybe if we talk to Dante first and tell him the whole situation then maybe he could talk to Lulu's doctor and she can advise us on what to do about telling Lulu the truth without putting her or the baby at risk."

Maxie sighs and says, "Okay that works."

"Hey! Maxie do go second guessing your decision you are making the right choice here. Dante and Lulu deserve the truth and we should not have to sacrifice our chance to be parents. Our little girl is going to be loved and I promise you being a parent is going to be amazing. I already love our little girl so much and I can't wait until we get to hold our little Georgie in our arms." Nathan says.

Maxie then says, "Georgie?"

"Yeah I know that you suggested the name to Dante and Lulu and I think that Georgie is a great name for her after your sister. If our little girl is anything like you told me her aunt Georgie was like then I know that she is going to be pretty amazing." Nathan says.

"Nathan? When are you coming home?" Maxie asks.

"I will go pack everything up right now and I will be home by tonight. I have missed you and our little girl and we have a lot of planning to do we have a baby that is going to be due very soon." Nathan says.

Maxie places her hand on her stomach as the baby begins kicking again.

"Well from the way your little girl is kicking right now I think she knows that daddy is coming home."

"I will see you both when I get home I love you Maxie."

"I love you too, Nathan."

Nathan hangs up the phone and then begins packing his bag.

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