Chapter 26

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Nathan walks through the door of his apartment and says, "Maxie I'm home! Are you here?"

Nathan looks all around the living room and notices that the place is quiet. Nathan closes the door and decides to head to their room to see if Maxie is in there.

Nathan opens their room door to see Maxie fast asleep on their bed. Nathan sits his bag down and takes his jacket off and gets into bed with Maxie. Nathan lies next to Maxie and places hands on her stomach and says, "Daddy is home baby girl and I promise you I will never leave you or your mommy again."

Maxie begins to wake up and smiles when she notices Nathan lying next to her. Maxie looks at him and says, "You're finally home! I've missed you so much Nathan."

Nathan looks at Maxie and says, "I missed you too! I'm sorry that I am so late but I had a bit of a problem getting home."

Maxie looks at him and says, "A problem? What kind of problem?"

Nathan sighs and says, "My mother."

Maxie looks at him confused and says, "Your mother. How could she be a problem? Oh I get it she misses you and she probably wanted you to stay longer am I right?"

"Well not exactly." Nathan says.

"Oh well then what was your mother's problem?" Maxie asks.

Nathan looks at Maxie and says, "It's really not important the only things that matter is that I made it."

Nathan gets up from the bed and says, "I know you and Georgie are probably hungry I will go and make you something."

"Nathan wait! Why are you changing the subject?" Maxie says.

"I'm not changing the subject I'm just trying to make sure that my beautiful girlfriend and daughter are well taken care of." Nathan says.

Maxie gets up from the bed and says, "See there you go doing it again! Nathan tell me what happened with your mother."

"Nothing happened with my mother Maxie now can we just let this go." Nathan says.

"No! Nathan I will not just let this go. Something obviously happened for you to be this upset so Nathan please just tell me what happened." Maxie says.

"Okay I will tell you." Nathan says.

Maxie goes over to sit on the bed and Nathan comes and sits right next to her.

"Before I left my mother's house to come back here to Port Charles we got into an argument about the baby. I told her about the baby and she did not take it well. My mother has always dreamed about me getting married and starting a family with my ex-girlfriend."

Maxie interrupts and says, "The ex-girlfriend who made it clear to you that she never wants children."

"Yes that is the one Maxie, and I did try to explain that to my mother but she just wouldn't listen. She kept saying, "I can't believe my son is having a child out of wedlock what will the girls at the club think."

Maxie takes his hand and says, "Nathan I am so sorry. Look give your mother some time I mean she literally just found out that she is going to be a grandmother that is a lot to process."

"Especially since I told her that we met in a bar and that our daughter was conceived during a drunken one night stand." Nathan says

"I'M SORRY YOU WHAT!!!" Maxie says.


"Well my mother asked when we conceived baby Georgie since she had never heard about you until I moved here to Port Charles and so I had no choice but to tell her." Nathan says.

"Haven't you ever heard of lying Nathan? No wonder your mom is so upset with you." Maxie says.

"Well Maxie I had to give her some kind of explanation. I have talked to my mother multiple times since moving out here and I haven't once mentioned you having a baby. My mother knew we were seeing each other but she didn't think that it was this serious and I didn't want to get into a big explanation about how I just found out that the baby your carrying is mine." Nathan says.

"You didn't tell your mother about the whole surrogate fiasco?" Maxie asks.

Nathan looks at Maxie and says, "No Maxie I didn't tell her. I didn't want her or anyone else judging you for making a mistake. What matters to me is that you are finally trying to correct your mistake and just know I am going to be there for you the entire way."

"Nathan I love you so much thank you." Maxie says.

"Well Maxie I love you too and we are going to make things right don't you worry."

"What is our first step?" Maxie asks.

"Well I think we should call Dante and ask him to come over tomorrow before you go to birthing class." Nathan says.

"Okay...But I have to tell you that I am scared." Maxie says.

Nathan grabs Maxie's hand and they lay down on the bed."

"Don't worry Maxie everything is going to work out I will make sure of it."

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