Chapter 17

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Maxie and Nathan were both at home hanging out as Maxie was telling Nathan about her day.

"Nathan I'm telling you I love being at Crimson I feel like this is where I belong in the world."

Nathan smiles hearing Maxie talk and says, "Well good, I'm glad you are back at Crimson because you seem really happy."

"I am plus did I tell you I felt the baby move today for the first time it was amazing."

Nathan puts his hand on her stomach and says, "Yes, I am extremely jealous about that."

"Not to ruin this moment but Maxie it's late you should really be asleep." Nathan says.

Maxie then says, "I wish I could sleep, but I have to work, and working makes this baby hungry. It's craving relish and marshmallows. What kind of eccentric offspring am I carrying if he or she wants relish and marshmallows?"

"I hate to break it to you Maxie but we're out of relish."

"We are?! That's okay. That relish sucked, anyway. Maybe we have vanilla pudding and sardines." Maxie says as she get up from the couch.

As Maxie gets up Nathan just makes a disgusted face.

"I'm so mad Nathan I have all of this work to do because a certain lab tech decided to snoop her nose where it didn't belong. I mean can you believe that she was actually trying to hack into my personal medical records." Maxie says from the kitchen.

"I still can't believe Ellie would do something like that Maxie. She seems so nice she must really think you have something to hide for her to literally risk her job and freedom for it." Nathan says.

Maxie then says, "I mean it's bad enough she hooked up with my ex at the exact moment I realized I wanted him back. Not that I am complaining because of course that led me to you and I would never regret anything about our relationship. I'm just so glad she moved out I mean she did not respect the roommate boundaries at all there was one night where she and Spinelli decided to reenacted that spaghetti scene from "Lady and the Tramp" and I will never be able to look at spaghetti the same way again."

Nathan starts to laugh and says, "What? Oh come on Maxie that never happened!"

Maxie comes into the living room and says," I swear it did and then there was this one time that Spinelli was gone on a case and left her here with me and I caught her having cybersex in the living room I should've had her evicted. And the weird part was that she was fully clothed and Spinelli was naked. It makes you really wonder what kind of kinky stuff Ellie is really into."

"Maxie we can't really talk about kinky when we have done far kinkier things all over this living room."

Maxie then says, "Yes but at least we were both naked."

Nathan says, "Well maybe Spinelli will keep her occupied and she will stop prying into your life."

Maxie then says, "Yeah one can only hope."

Maxie gets and walks back to the kitchen.

After five minutes Maxie comes back from the kitchen carrying a tray.

Nathan looks at her and says, "Back to work?"

Maxie sits the tray down and says, "Yes. I have to get back to work, and I will be working to the wee hours of the morning since I blew off my first day back at Crimson trying to stop Ellie from accessing my medical files. Fortunately, I still have a job because integrated Connie is... much more compassionate than her separate personalities, and who can say that about their boss?"

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