Chapter 8

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Maxie is at the hospital and sees her dad on phone and she walks up and says, "Who're you talking to?"

Frisco looks at Maxie and says, "Just a project I'm working on that has been a priority and recently become a bit urgent. How are you, Sweetheart? You feeling all right?"

Maxie then says, "Yeah, I feel fine. I'm actually here on some business of my own. I used to take pride in all the details, making sure the event came out smoothly. You know, it's really nice to be needed for something again...besides being a baby incubator, I mean."

"Listen, I'm glad that you're keeping busy, but don't push it too much." Frisco says.

Maxie then says, "This isn't my first quickie wedding. Trust me. Although it is my first in I.C.U."

Frisco then says. "Have you had any more run-ins with this Dr. Westbourne?"

"Not a peep since you told her to stay away from me." Maxie says.

"Well, let me know if you do." Frisco says.

Maxie then says, "I still feel really guilty about that horrible trick she had me play on Sabrina, making her think she'd killed one of her patients by giving him the wrong medication. I mean, let's face it Dr. Westbourne is despicable. There's no guarantee she's gonna keep her mouth shut that this baby's mine and Nathan's."

Just then Nathan walks up.

"Can I help you with something? If you don't mind, my daughter and I are having a private conversation."

Nathan looks at Frisco and says, "Did you just say your daughter?"

Maxie grabs Nathan's arms and says, "Oh! That's great. I can introduce the two of you. Nathan, this is my dad. Dad -- Nathan.

Nathan then says, Wow so you're the famous Frisco Jones that Anna talks so highly about."

Frisco then says, "Anna? How do you know Anna?"

Maxie jumps in and says, "Dad, Nathan is a Detective at the PCPD so Anna is his boss."

Nathan then says, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jones."

"I'm not sure I can say the same. What are your intentions with my daughter?"

Maxie then says, "Dad."

"Is there something wrong with a father protecting his daughter?" Frisco says.

Nathan then says, "Not at all but Frisco you don't have to worry about me. Maxie and I are just getting to know each other and I have no plans of breaking her heart."

"Good because you seem like a really good guy and I would hate to put you head first through a wall."

"Dad, it's really okay. Nathan and I have made the choice to take things slow and really get to know each other before jumping into anything serious. We are both very content with the way things are. It's harmonious, so just breathe."

Frisco then says, "Well, I wouldn't want to disturb the harmony." Frisco extends his hand for Nathan to shake and Nathan gladly shakes his hand.

Nathan then says, "Well, if you'll excuse me. I better get these lab results back to Anna so I will see you at home Maxie."

"Bye, Nathan." Maxie says.

Frisco looks at Maxie and says, "That's the father of my grandchild?"

Maxie sighs and says, "Yes dad and he is a really great guy who I happen to really like. So please do not make trouble for Nathan. I think Nathan and I have a chance of building a great relationship.

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