Chapter 14

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Maxie comes into the Floating Rib and says to Mac, "I haven't heard from you since the Nurses' Ball. I know that was only last night, but you're usually much better at calling and checking up on me. I'm sure don't usually sound grateful for that, but there's something comforting about you worrying and hovering over me. So, I'm here for my daily dose of support. Ooh! I had some decorating ideas for your place. I know that you still want to stay in that building, although I think you should sell it, but we need to come up with a design scheme."

Maxie pulls out a interior design magazine and begins showing it to Mac.

Mac looks at Maxie and says, "Sweetheart, take a breath, all right? I'm sure the baby would appreciate a gulp of oxygen."

Maxie looks at him and says, "Okay. I breathed. Let's talk paint colors."

Mac then says, "Sweetheart, it's okay. I know you're worried about Dante and Lulu. Your mom and I went to Anna's office to see if we could offer our services in the search for Dante and Lulu, but she turned us down. She did, though, make a point to say Frisco was on the case."

Maxie rolls her eyes and says, "Well, if he was gonna leave town regardless, at least, he could help out Dante and Lulu."

"They have a lot of people looking for them at the moment. Right now, I'm more worried about you." Mac says.

Maxie looks at Mac and says, "I'm fine. Who's more used to Frisco Jones leaving town than me? I guess it's more accurate to say I'm used to his absence."

"You two seemed to be, uh...getting close during his visit." Mac says.

"Mm. He stuck around just long enough for me to count on him, and then he bailed. He's not really cut out to be a father." Maxie says.

Mac then says, "I'm sorry, sweetheart."

"Don't you get it? I don't need him. I have you. You're my real father. You always have been. Every birthday, every Sunday dinner, every school pageant, every're the one that's been there. When I would look down from the stage or back at the door, it was you that I would see. And I wouldn't trade one single one of those memories for more time with Frisco, not in a million years." Maxie says.

"I didn't know I wanted to be a dad, but the way my life turned out -- I had the privilege of raising three extraordinary girls, and I wouldn't trade any of those memories, either. I'm, uh...really proud to be your dad, and It's about to become official." Mac says looking at Maxie.

Maxie then says, "I want to make sure I understand. When you say you're making it official..."

Mac smiles and says, "Felicia and I are getting married. Again. This time, for keeps."

Maxie runs over to Mac and gives him a hug while saying, "That is so amazing! I'm so happy. Oh! Well, if it's my dad coming back that made you propose, then, yeah, I guess I kind of am grateful to him. "

Mac then says, "Actually, Felicia was the one who proposed to me."

"Yay, Mom. Way to get out of your own way and choose what makes you happy."

Mac says, "This has been a long time coming."

Maxie then says, "Uh, you think? You know, Georgie used to say that she thought you and Mom would get back together, but I would never listen to her because I never thought it would happen, and now it is happening. I bet Robin and Georgie are in heaven doing cartwheels right now. And should have told me sooner, but that's okay, because I'm so happy. I can't wait to plan your wedding. Okay, first things first. Uh, you didn't pick out the ring by yourself, did you?"

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