~ Chapter 30 ~ ツ

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It's been a week,

1 full week,

7 days,

168 hours,

10 080 minutes,

604 800 seconds,

and Harper is still in her coma.

Niall, and Louis haven't left her bed side, only to go to the bathroom, but they came right back, and someone has to force them to eat. Especially Niall, he used to always eat, and right now you would be lucky if he even finished half a sandwich.

Harry, Zayn, Liam, Eleanor, Perrie, and Danielle, try and calm Louis, and Niall down, when they cry. They take care of Louis and Niall because they're hurting the most. Of course, they are hurting to, but they have to try to keep calm.

Louis didn't call his dad to tell him about Harper, because he didn't want him to be sad, he still believes that Harper will wake up, because she is a strong girl.

Harper just lied there looking as if she was a sleep to the others, but was actually awake, well not awake, awake, but like she can hear everything going on around her, she just couldn't open her eyes, she's tried many time to, but her eyelids won't budge.

She wants to essentially 'wake up', and tell all of them to stop being sad. She misses her brothers loud voice, Niall's musical laugh, Harry's charm. She misses Zayn's mysteriousness, Liam's seriousness and fun-ness. She misses the girls, eleanor's charming personality, Danielle's curly hair and style skills, and Perrie's outgoing nature.

She missed everything, and everyone.


*•*•*•*• Niall's P.O.V *•*•*•*•

I sighed as I looked at Harper's sleeping figure, I say she is sleeping, because this way I know she will wake up.

I haven't left her side, neither had Louis, but they made him go back home to take a shower and relax. I have to go back when they come back. I'm all by myself right now.

Oh, and if you're wondering, we haven't done any concerts or anything since Harper fell into the coma.

I decided i'd talk to Harper, because I once read that people in comas can sometimes hear what's going on around them. Maybe if she hears what I say, she can like somehow force herself to wake up. I grabbed her hand and started talking.

"Harper," my voice was hoarse from crying, so I cleared my throat. "Please, please wake up, it's been a week, we all miss you, so, so much. Louis, your brother, has been so sad and depressed." I sighed. "No one has been doing anything, we've called off all concerts, and stuff." I squeezed her hand. "Harper, I really, really miss you. I miss your laugh, and how whenever you smile you would get smile lines and how your eyes would always crinkle. I miss your beautiful singing voice. You're personality, you are just, wonderful. You have been though so much in your life, and yet you still made it though, you're such a strong girl. I just, miss you in general." I sighed. "Harper, I, I've always had feelings for you, since the first time I met, I don't know what it was about you, but I just really had strong feelings for you. I don't even know if you have feelings for me, but I just wanted to tell you, even if you can't hear me. So, please, please, wake up Harper. I miss you so much, we all do. Please, please wake up." I said, and kissed her forehead.

One part of me was wishing she heard me, but the other part of me wished she didn't, because she might not have the same feelings for me.

*•*•*•*• Eleanor's P.O.V *•*•*•*•

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