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My life is a living hell, it has been ever since that day..

My mom and I were on our way home from my first day at pre-school.

I was jabbering away, telling her about my day, when a speeding car came out of nowhere and crashed right into the front of our car.
My mom died right away, but I only had a few scratches.

After a week I can home and my step-dad, notice how I said step-dad? Well, my dad left when I was born. I never met him. Anyways, my step-dad locked me in a room after a month.

The room was a bit bigger than a closet. It had a tiny bathroom that had a sink, bathtub and toilet, the water was freezing cold. The room was empty except for a ripped blanket, a tiny pillow and a tiny tv that only had 1 channel on it and that channel was for old people. The last thing the room had was a window, the window was as small as my hand.

He would lock the door from the outside so I couldn't get out. He would turn on the a.c all the way so I would freeze and he would beat me, EVER SINGLE DAY!

Some days if I was really lucky all I would get was a couple slaps, or a few kicks in the stomach, but that rarely happened.

Sometimes he would bring his friends over who had a bad day and let them beat me and even... rape me.

Yep, my life is awesome

Now I'm 18 and I'm still trapped here. My life has been this way for 13 years! 13 miserable years.
Well that's a bit of information about my shitty li-



My step-dad is home.


He's angry. I could tell from that slam, is that bad?

This is not gonna be a good day, I could feel it.

He's coming up the stairs. Oh gosh! He's unlocking the-

"Hey bitch." He slurred, and I knew that he was completely intoxicated.

This is bad, it's never good when he's dr-

ouch, my left cheek is buzzing , he slapped me, hard.

That's gonna leave a mark. I mean it doesn't really matter since I already have lots of bruises and scars on me.

"NEXT TIME I SAY SOMETHING YOU BETTER ANSWER! UNDERSTAND DUMB ASS?" He ranged, see he's usually never this angry.

I try nodding but it's no use, his grip on my hair is so tight.
If he pulls any harder my head will explode. "ANSWER"

"O-ok" I stutter.

"'OK', WHAT, YOU PIECE OF SHIT?" He's pulling my hair even harder. There are tears wheeling up in my eyes.

"O-ok da-daddy" he makes me call him 'daddy', it sickens me.

"Good" he smiles, his creepy smile. "Now, want to know how my day went?"

"Su-sure da-daddy I'd lo-love to." Honestly, I don't want to know at all, but if I say no he gets even more infuriated.

"Well," he starts, while gripping my hair harder, "I was late for work, I got 2 parking tickets,I missed lunch, my boss didn't like my work and I was tired all day." Well, that must of sucked for him. Maybe if you weren't such a rude person then that wouldn't happen. " So, cunt, guess what?" It isn't very nice to call people cunts.

This day isn't gonna be good.

"Wh-what?" his grip got even harder, if that's even possible.

"Today was an awful day, the worst. So, you deserve to pay." The hell did I do?

"Wh-what did I do? Why? I di-didn't do any-" Owwww, why does he keep slapping me?

"BITCH, STOP CRYING!" He kicked me and I fell to the floor.
He grabbed my hair, again. "AND DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS!" He screams as he slaps me.

I clutch my cheek and watch as he takes his belt off its loops.

"I-I-I'm so-sorry"

"Awe, the little baby is scared. Don't be scared it won't be that bad", he chuckles. "Want me to tell you what will happen?" His creepy smile..

"N-no th-thank y-you da-daddy" I guess he didn't like my answer, considering the fact that he whipped me.
He grabbed my hair again and spits right in my face. Ew.... That's unsanitary and gross.

"ALWAYS AGREE WITH ME!" He spat. "What's the answer?"

"Y-yes." He smiles.

"Good. Well, I'm going to let you get ready for a hour, because this will be the worst beating of your pathetic life. After a hour is up ill come and we will get started. When I'm done it would put you in so much pain you wont be able to move a finger." I don't like where this is going... "and then i'll be done." We'll it's not to b- "but guess what?"


"Remember my friend Bobby?" I nod, and gulp "well you see he also had a bad day. What to know what happened?" I really don't like where this is going.


"Well, he caught his girlfriend cheating so," yep, I'm gonna die. "He wants to have a little 'fun' with you." My eyes grow wide. "When he's done you'll get another beating," Another? Honestly this man wants me dead. "And well bobby is stronger so his beating will hurt a lot more. And then after he is done you get NO food for today and then you're finished." This should be fun.
He's staring at me, so I nod and he smiles, he knows I'm terrified. "Good, get ready this will take a couple hours" he winks, and walks out.
The door unlocks and my eyes widen.

I look at him pleadingly and he just laughs,well than. I honestly don't see the humour in this situation.

"Awe, bitch don't be scared it won't hurt... just kidding" he laughs. Are you serious right now? I want to shit my pants and he's laughing, like can you not? You're annoying.

"H-h-h-hi" I stutter.

"Let's get started, shall we?"

He comes over grabs my hair and slams me against the wall.

Going in alive, hopefully I come out that way.

And then the beating actually starts.
"Bobby will be here in 15 minutes" he laughs at my broken body and walks out.

I can't even control the tears that are falling, and my whole body is aching.
I hear the door unlocking again, and my body stiffens.

"Hiya, slut" Bobby sings.


He looks at me and smiles. He comes grabs my legs and drags me out of the room, that ain't very nice.
He takes me to the guest room..

I think you know what he does in there..

Bobby drags me back to my room and starts to beat me, this hurts 10 times more than John's beating. (step-dad).

He's beating me so hard my vision becomes blurry and black spots are everywhere.

Oh, look at the pretty stars.
Then I see nothing.
[[ Louis is an only child and his dad is his legal guardian(: (in my story) ]]


~m :*

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